The sun shines through the window on Ye Li's face. Ye Li opens his eyes and stretches.

"Get the zombie chest X7."

The prompt sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind.

Ye Li opened the zombie treasure chest:

"gain gene point 300, strength point 300, speed point 300, defense point 300."

"Obtain the zombie specific skill, life-threatening three ghost sword."

Ye Li thinks that he can do whatever he wants. Now the swordsman ah Qi only has to cut the sword and has no zombie specific skills.

He looked at the skill introduction of the killing serial three ghost sword:

Life Killing serial three ghost sword: it is a special skill for zombies at level D. after upgrading to level s, it can kill people without shadow.

Without much thought, Ye Li integrated the life-threatening three ghost sword into the body of the swordsman ah Qi.

He also checked the number of zombies in the system space. In addition to the eschatological legion, there were a fourth-order male zombie and a fifth rank male zombie.

The first purpose of coming to the wilderness area is to upgrade the swordsman ah Qi first. After all, the level of swordsman ah Qi is too low, only one level zombie.

Get up a simple wash, just ready to leave the room, knock on the door rang.

"Master, are you up?"

It was Luo Yue who was not talking to anyone else.

Leaves from open the door, light looking at Luo Yue said: "what's the matter?"

"Master, what's the second thing?" Luo Yue is very curious to see Ye Li.

Ye Li thought for a few seconds and immediately said, "there should be a lot of dark races and zombies in your wilderness area."

Luo Yue nodded. "If you go back to your predecessors, the wilderness area is too big, and the zombies and dark races are not the same."

"This part of us is called wilderness north. Most of the zombies and dark races in the north are in the rockfall mountains."

"Let's go to the rockfall mountains." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Luo Yue was surprised at the speech. The Luoshi mountain is the home of dark races and zombies in the north of the wilderness. For decades, no one has dared to go to the rockfall mountains.

"Master, are we really going to the rockfall mountains?" Luo Yue couldn't believe it again.

"If you want to worship me as a teacher, listen to me. Of course, you can choose not to listen to me." Ye Li said slowly.

Finish saying, leaf leave then walked out.

There are two purposes to go to the rockfall mountains. One is to upgrade the swordsman ah Qi, and the other is to let Luo Yue go to experience.

Luo Yue sees Ye Li to go out after, she also hurriedly followed up.

After explaining everything, Luo Yue and Ye Li left the fire base and rushed to the Rocky Mountains.

Luoshi mountain is far away from here, and Luoyue has never been there. If you want to go to Luoshi mountain range, there are many difficulties and obstacles along the way.

Just out of the hot base soon, Ye Li and Luo Yue arrived at a plain where many animals were tearing each other.

These animals have been infected with zombie virus.


Fierce wolf, evil tiger see human coming, immediately toward Ye Li and Luo Yue.

These wolves and tigers are only the appearance of level 7 state, there are more than 50, in Ye Li's eyes is really weak some pitiful.

"Ah Da."

After giving a big order, a big one punch fiercely swings out.

The fierce wolf and the evil tiger have not yet reached Ye Li's side, they have been melted by a Da's fist.

Luo Yue knew that the seventh order zombie was very powerful, but she didn't think she was so powerful that she felt unstoppable.

"Keep going." Ye Li said slowly.

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