"Shua Shua!"

With the sound of the broken wind, more than 20 first-order evolutors at Raytheon base had a shocking blood hole in their heads.

More than 20 first-order evolutors fell to the ground heavily, their eyes wide open, as if they did not believe that they were so dead.

"This, this, this..."

The patrol captain looked at this scene in horror. He would rather believe that the sky horse was going to collapse than believe it was true.

He didn't even come here to see clearly!!!

"I said, even if you have so many people, I can let you see their bodies in a second. Why don't you believe it?" Ye Li said slowly to the patrol captain.

At this time, the patrol captain was so scared that he could not see two souls for three souls and six spirits for seven spirits. He knew that he would be killed by the young man in front of him in a short time.

"Go ahead, call someone." Ye Li said slowly.

When the patrol captain heard Ye Li's words, he yelled and then ran away. The speed has reached the fastest time in history.


"Chief, no good!"

The patrol captain crawled into Raytheon's assembly hall.

A middle-aged man with no anger and self-esteem frowned and looked at the patrol captain displeased and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

The patrol captain told us what had happened.


In an instant, the entire conference hall organized by Raytheon became quiet.

It's so quiet that everyone's heartbeat can be heard clearly.

"Is that true?" The middle-aged man asked coldly.

The middle-aged man is no one else. It's leizhan, the leader of the Thor organization.

"It's true, chief." Said the patrol captain with a sad face.

Lei Zhan narrowed his eyes and gave him a cold smile.

"It seems that the fire organization has a strong gene warrior, but we have hostages in hand."

"The leader is right. Now the fire organization is just a loose sand. Even Han Hai is dead. What can the fire organization take to fight with our Thor organization?"

"That's right. Besides, the master of the leader is still a famous ghost hand of destroying the sky in the north of the wilderness. When all the people in the fire come, they will be killed."

The whole Raytheon hall laughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since the fire organization has already taken the lead, if we don't go out and have a look, will we not have a bit of hospitality in Raytheon organization?"

"Gather all the people of Thor

"Yes, chief!"

Immediately, Lei Zhan led hundreds of people organized by Raytheon to the outside.

"Chief, there is the man!" Said the patrol captain, pointing in a direction.

Lei Zhan followed the direction of patrol captain's fingers and found a young man under a dead tree.

Lei Zhan gave a cold smile, and then walked slowly. The people organized by Raytheon naturally followed.

Ten steps away from ye, Raytheon organized the people to stop. Lei Zhan looked at the young man in front of him, and a sneer passed over his face.

"You're the gene warrior invited by the fire organization?" Raytheon looked at Ye Li.

Maybe he looked at Lei and opened his eyes slowly

"Perhaps? What is "maybe?" Staring at ray.

"How can ants like you understand the meaning of my words Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to thunder.

Lei Zhan frowned at the smell of speech. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him could say such words when facing his Raytheon organization.

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