Luo Yue coldly stares at Thunder war, the people of Raytheon organization are ambitious and always want to swallow up their fire organization.

Now that he has captured Luoli, everyone knows Sima Zhao's mind.

"Lei Zhan, release lil immediately, or you will be responsible for the consequences!" Luo Yue spoke coldly.

Lei Zhan heard a smile, "Miss Luo, in fact, I really admire your organization of fire, and invited a person who is not afraid of death to help you."

As soon as she said this, Luo Yue was slightly stunned. She didn't understand what Lei Zhan meant. But when she looked under the dead tree not far away, she understood it.

Luo Yue's face showed a touch of joy, he originally thought that the elder would not come, but she did not expect that the elder appeared here at the moment.

"Miss Luo Da, now I have two hostages. Do you think it is necessary to fight?"

"I think it's like this, you fire organization will submit to mine, otherwise..."

Lei Zhan's face showed a grim smile, and then said: "I think Miss Luo should not want to see her lovely sister die in front of you?"

Luo Yue heard this, her cold face became more and more cold. She looked at Lei Zhan.

Luoli is her only relative in the world. She doesn't think that Luoli is allowed to suffer any harm.

"Well, Miss Luo, think about it." Lei Zhan looks at Luo Yue with pride.

Luo Yue doesn't know how to answer. Lil is now in the hands of Raytheon organization, and she doesn't know how.

Just then, the leaves under the dead tree spoke.

"Xiaoyue, do you want to kill them all, or what?"

As soon as this word came out, all the people organized by Lei Zhan and Raytheon were shocked. They even wanted to break their heads. Ye Li dared to say such a thing.

Kill all the Raytheon people?

Does he have the ability?

He's angry. He shouldn't have let ray leave now.

"Master, I'd better save lil, and then..."

Luo Yue's words have not finished, Ye Li has disappeared in place.

She has no time to see clearly, Ye Li has already arrived in front of Lei Zhan's body, only to see Ye Li has erected a finger.

The thunder god organization's people were shocked. They clearly remember that ye Ligang was still under the dead tree. How could they get to the leader's side now.

This speed is too terrible.

Lei Zhan is naturally terrified. When ye Li suddenly appears beside him, he is scared to step back and look at Ye Li in horror.

Before he could speak, he heard Ye Li say:

"bring Luoli out."

Lei Zhan stares at Ye Li. He stabilizes his mind. He says coldly:

"you dare to appear in front of me and ask me to take Luoli out. It's really a joke!"

Sound falls, thunder battle a fist toward leaf leave heavy wave to go out.

Thunder war is a fifth order evolutor. Naturally, this blow is very terrifying.

Ye Li's index finger is twined with a terrible golden aura. At the moment when the thunder fist blows out, the golden aura also attacks out.


The speed of the golden light is too fast. Lei Zhan can't react to it. His fist and golden aura hit each other heavily.


In an instant, only a terrible voice was heard.

Lei Zhan held his hand and howled in pain because his hand had It's broken.

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