Urge God to walk a hundred steps to the ruins of the city, Ye Li with the Last Legion to go in.

Now Ye Li, now the last legion, came to the ruins of the city, just as the Taigong arrived, the gods dissipated.

Ye Li's place is the same as the place where he came last time. More than 4000 zombies were synthesized here last time.

I don't know whether the zombies here are made of light by Ye Li. When the last legion comes in, they feel quiet.

Ye Li searches this area with tianlingtong and finds that there are few zombies.

If you want to upgrade the swordsman ah Qi to the seventh level zombie, you have to go inside.

Ye Li, with the last legion, walked slowly inside, and came to a very desolate place, full of ruins, as if having experienced a modern war.

I searched for them with Tianling Tong. There were many zombies. I sent the last army to lead them.

Before long, the last legion brought in countless zombies.

These male and female zombies are in Level 3 to level 4. Ye Li synthesizes them all. There are more and more zombies, and the level of zombies synthesized by Ye Li is higher and higher.

Finally, five hours later, Ye Li synthesized a six level male zombie and a fourth level female zombie.

After combining the sixth level male zombie with the swordsman ah Qi, the swordsman ah Qi becomes the seventh level zombie.

Now there is a fourth-order female zombie. There is a fourth-order female zombie in his system space.

After the synthesis of two fourth order female zombies, a fifth order female zombie was born.

Ye Li smiles with satisfaction, thinking that the five zombies of the last world army have become seven level zombies, and he is an eight level evolutor.

What is the difference between entering the ruins of the city and entering the uninhabited?

"Run! Run

At this time, Ye Li suddenly heard several terrified voices.

Ye Li looks straight ahead and finds that more than a dozen evolutors are running towards him crazily.

These ten evolutors are all third-order evolutors, only one of them is female.

This is a girl. Her face can be said to be exquisite. Her long blue hair is flying with the wind. She is also a third-order evolutor.

Behind these more than ten evolutors, there are a group of Epee skeleton undead. More than 30 third-order Epee skeleton undead are madly chasing these ten evolutors.

Ye Li smiles faintly, thinking that this group of evolutors may feel that the sky has collapsed. After all, more than 30 third level Epee skeletons and undead are not the ones they can defeat.

Although the speed of running for their lives is usually the fastest in history, these dozens of evolutors are still caught up by this group of third-order Epee skeletons.

More than a dozen evolutors began to fight this group of third-order Epee skeletons.


In an instant, not far from the front of the leaf, there was the voice of the evolution crying.

"Miss, run, let's break the rear!"

One of the evolutors yelled at the purple haired girl, and immediately continued to rush to the third level Epee skeletons.

The girl with purple hair was in a panic. She stood still and froze.

"Miss, run!"

Finally, the voice of the purple girl appeared.

At this time, the girl with purple hair was already in the rain. She bit her lips and ran towards the leaves.

At this point, more than a dozen evolutors have died miserably, and there are still more than 20 skeletons of the third level epee. They continue to chase after the purple haired girl.

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