With this arrogant uninhibited voice appeared, the sound of several broken wind also came out.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Suddenly, four people appeared before ye left the body.

All of them are about 50 years old, and one of them is naturally the master of the ghost hand sect, Meng Cangtian.

The other three middle-aged men are all seventh order evolutors.

"Ye Li, I didn't think you really dare to come to the ruins city?" Meng Cangtian looks at Ye Li and says.

Ziqiong has been almost silly, although she can not see what is the state of these people in front of her, but she can feel the terror of these people.

Ye Li Wen Yan's face crown like jade does not have the slightest fluctuation, he says to Meng Cangtian faintly: "the sky is big and the earth is big, don't say is you this ruins city, even if is again dangerous words, my leaf leaves also go to get."

Meng Cangtian bit his teeth and looked at Ye Li coldly.

"Ye Li, you killed my two lovers. Last time I was weak, this time you came to the ruins city, do you still want to go?"

The three middle-aged men beside Meng Cangtian are all seven level evolutors. They are coldly looking at Ye Li and the last legion.

"Meng Cangtian, do you really think I need to leave Ye Li?" Leaf leaves from the face crown like jade's face showed a very ironic smile.

As soon as this word comes out, Meng Cangtian, the ghost hand of destroying the sky, and the other three seven level evolutors look cold.

Ziqiong is scared to step back three steps, Meng Cangtian this name she naturally heard, Megatron wilderness north area of the ghost hand.

She did not even dream that the middle-aged man standing in front of her was the ghost hand Meng Cangtian.

Ziqiong's heart has aroused a storm, is this the dialogue between the strong?

"You mean, are you ready to fight us?" Meng Cangtian stares at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves faint smile, "rely on you these a few crooked melon split jujube, also deserve and I leave a battle?"

Now he is an eight level evolutor, and ADA, white doll, red leaf, rain boy, swordsman ah Qi are all seven level zombies.

In addition, the Taigu Tianmo code has reached the third level, and Meng Cangtian has no chance of winning in the face of him.

"What do you say?" Meng Cangtian's forehead was full of blue veins, and he opened his mouth coldly.

"Ye Li, don't think we are only four people, and you must win. Do you know that this is a city of ruins?" A cold light flashed in Meng Cangtian's eyes.

Leaf from indifferent smile, "let them all come out, no matter how many people in my eyes from the leaves, but also just mole ants."

He had already known that there were many human beings, dark races and Zombies around Meng Cangtian.

It's a pity. Why should he be afraid of him?

Meng Cangtian, the ghost hand of destroying heaven, was surprised. He thought Ye Li didn't know, but now it seems that he was so wrong.

At the same time, Meng Cangtian is also very surprised. Since you know that there are human beings, dark races and Zombies lurking around, why does the expression on your face remain unchanged?

Meng Cangtian bit his teeth and roared: "come out!"

With this roar, all of a sudden, the evolution of the human race, the dark race, zombies poured out.

There are hundreds of human evolutors, all of them from the third to the fourth order.

There are hundreds of dark races, all of them are level 3 to level 4, and there is only one level 5 Dark race.

However, there are tens of thousands of zombies, from level 3 to level 4, there are hundreds of first-order variant zombies, ten third-order zombies and one fourth-order zombie.

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