Ten eighth order dark race, two against one.

At this time, all the last legions were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

Ye Li smiles coldly. After drinking ten violent potions, he will let the ten eighth level dark race know

What is the nine days of cloud drooping, what is the four seas of water are standing.

But I saw: ye left his toes a little bit and jumped up into the air. He held up the Dragon butcher's knife and urged the third layer of the archaic heavenly magic code. The cold light on the Dragon butcher's knife was full of cold light, and the evil spirit was vertical and horizontal.

He uttered slowly:

"Tai Gu Mo Wang Jian!"

The words fall, the Dragon butcher's knife has been cut out!

In an instant, I just feel that the world has lost its luster.

The 10 rage potions are really awesome.

The ten eighth order dark race opened their eyes. They would never have thought that Ye Li could make such a terrible attack even if they died.

"Shua Shua!"

In an instant, all ten eight level dark races died.

This blow is exactly Ye Li's all-out strike.

After this blow, Ye Li fell to the ground, and his whole body had no strength. He felt the life in his body was rapidly passing away.


"I Not dead? "

Ye Li was a little stunned. He opened his hand and looked at it. He found that nothing happened.

A DA, Bai WA, Hong Ye, Yu Tong and swordsman ah Qi are guarding Ye Li's side.

"Brother, it's been a year now. How can you wake up?" Rain child Du mouth looking at Ye Li said.

Ye Li was startled. He obviously felt that he had gone to sleep for a year?

He remembers that ten eighth order dark races and countless dark races besieged him and the eschatological Legion. At the end of the day, he drank ten rage potions and cut out the Archaean devil. Then he fainted.

It's a day in the mountains. It's been thousands of years in the world.

Ye Li thinks that he is really a disaster, there must be a blessing.

Now that I'm awake, it's time to leave the ruins.


Ye Li suddenly remembered that he still had a super treasure map. He opened the system space and was ready to open this chapter of super treasure map.


"Will the host open the super treasure map?"


"Super treasure map is being opened:

" 10% 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"Coordinates, outside the rockfall mountains."

Outside the Luoshan mountains?

Ye Li has been to the periphery of the rockfall mountains before. It's nothing.

Then, Ye Li took the Last Legion to the ruins of the city.

Anyway, the coordinates of the super treasure map are also in the rockfall mountains. Ye Li wants to take advantage of this time to have a look at the fire.

After all, Luo Yue was his first apprentice, and he made a promise to him.

After becoming a zombie of the eighth order, the eyes of the last legion became golden, golden and beautiful.

Along the way, Ye Li Da heard a lot of news from Yanhuo organization.

Now the fire organization is a super power, in the east of the northern wilderness area, no one dares to provoke.

Recently, however, some troubles have happened to the fire organization.

The fire organization dominates in the east of the northern wilderness area, and the forces to the north of the wilderness north district can not be seen. It has been fighting for three days and three nights, and has stopped in recent days.

Ye Li didn't think much about it. He took the Last Legion to the fire organization.

Outside the organization, the current base has been completely new, like a huge castle, it looks quite shocking.

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