Ling Fei looks at Ye Li with fright. She feels her soul shaking.

Ye Li didn't make a move, but could give her such a strong pressure, and the breath was too terrible.

She finally understood that she could not be the opponent of Ye Li.

Ye Li takes back the third layer of the ancient magic code, and his face is still calm like water.

"Do you want to continue?" Ye Li looks at Ling Fei lightly.

Ling Fei is surprised. She knows that she can't be Ye Li's opponent. If she does, she can't even take a shot.

The members of the Tianying base guard team and the people look at Ye Li in horror. They thought Ye Li could never beat captain Ling Fei without hands and feet. But now it seems that they are not only wrong, but also so wrong.

"By the way, how are the three leaders of Tianying?" Ye Li looks at Ling Fei and asks suddenly.

That day, Tianying's three leaders, Tian'e and Bai huawa, suffered a lot of injuries. We have to see how the wind blows.

Ling Fei was stunned. The incident that Tian He, the leader of Tianying, was injured did not spread to the east of BAIC in the wilderness. Did this person know that the three leaders were injured?

As the leader of the Tianying base guard team, Ling Fei naturally knows how the three leaders were injured.

It's the demon leaf

Ling Fei suddenly felt excited, as if she had been shocked.

The devil is called Ye Li, and she is very sure that he is called Ye Li.

And the person in front of me is also called Ye Li. Is it possible that

Think of here, Ling Fei can't help but be afraid.

This is not the first time that she has heard the name of the devil Ye Li. The eldest lady of the Tianying organization has also mentioned the name to her, saying that Ye Li once saved her life.

"When I ask Ye Li out, it is usually answered by someone." Ye Li looked at the stunned Ling Fei and said slowly.

Lingfei smell speech this just returned to God, she was astounded to look at Ye Li, "three The three leaders are seriously injured and unconscious. The chief has invited a doctor from the medicine hall, but he is helpless. "

Although she could not make sure that the young man in front of her was the demon leaf, she did not dare to say it at the moment, because she was afraid to make Ye Li angry.

Even the three leaders of the eighth order evolution were seriously injured by the white dolls in the last legion of the demon king Ye Li. Where can they see.

Ye Li smiles to himself. He thought that there was some trouble in solving the problem of Tianying organization. Now it seems that he is worried.

"I'll go to Tianying base with you." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Ling Fei hears this words, the moment greatly surprised color rises, the demon king leaves leaves to go to the sky Eagle base?

She did not dare to leave the leaf is to what, she really did not dare to think.

Ye Li looked at the hesitant Lingfei, he leisurely smile, "never refuse me, don't try, don't get lucky."

Ling Fei is startled, that is, the corner of her mouth showed a wry smile, she herself is unable to refuse leaves from.

She thought that even if the devil leaves Tianying base and is ready to do something, Tianying base will not be afraid. After all, the big leader is a nine level evolutor.

"All right." Ling Fei looks at Ye Li and says.

Then, Ye Li followed the crowd to Tianying base.

But just out of the cave not long ago, hundreds of gene warriors blocked their way.

These gene warriors are basically third-order evolutors, and there is a fourth-order evolutor.

They were all dressed in black robes with three big characters on the rust. They worshipped the fire cult!

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