Purple Qiong smell speech some panic up, she quickly looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li Mian Guan Yu's face is calm like water.

She thinks that she is really too useless, the demon master is beside her, and she is afraid of a little Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, or your life will be in danger." Ziqiong said to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was stunned. He didn't understand why Ziqiong dared to say this.

Immediately, Zhao Yang understood.

Ziqiong is not only him, but also a teenager.

The boy

Zhao Yang looked at Ye Li, and he was extremely jealous.

He is also quite handsome, but compared with the young man in front of him, it is a heaven and a ground.

Zhao Yang's face appeared a touch of cold color, thinking how beautiful he was, but it was a corpse.

"I think Ziqiong has such confidence because of you?" Zhao Yang stares at Ye Li.

"Maybe." Ye Li said slowly.

Zhao Yang looks at Ye Li's calm face. He really can't imagine why Ye Li can be so calm. Doesn't he know that he is going to die soon?

"I don't like your face." Zhao Yang looked at Ye Li coldly, "do you know that I don't like a person, what is his fate usually?"

"Dead." Ye Li said quietly.

"If you know you're going to die, why do you still do that?"

Zhao Yang really does not understand why Ye Li can show such a calm face.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "like you such mole ant, talk always like this?"


Zhao Yang and more than a dozen fire worshipers behind him were all shocked.

"He He said that the little Lord is a mole ant? "

Zhao Yang smell speech slightly handsome face suddenly cold down, he really did not expect Ye Li in addition to calm, talk is also so arrogant.

"It's the first time since I was born that I'm a mole ant. I admire your courage."

"Come here, ant. Let me kill you."

Ye Li looks at Zhao Yang and says that his face is still calm and incomparable, as if let Zhao Yang come over and kill Zhao Yang. It is a great honor for Zhao Yang.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

"Kill him

Zhao Yang was so angry that he had never met such a person. He was so arrogant.

With Zhao Yang's order, more than a dozen third-order evolution followers of fire worship rushed towards Ye Li

Zhao Yang gave a cold smile. In his opinion, Ye Li was dead, and then he could seize Ziqiong and use it to coerce Tianying organization.

Ye Li looks at more than a dozen third-order evolutionists coming. He really doesn't know why there are so many people who are not afraid of death in this world. Is it really bad to live?

He urged the heavenly pupil, and dozens of golden lights in his eyes flew out in an instant.

More than a dozen third-order evolutors saw this terrible golden light, and they were shocked to see where they wanted to dodge.

"Ah, ah!"

After a dozen third-order evolutors screamed, they all fell to the ground.

"This How could that be possible? "

Zhao Yang looked at more than a dozen fire worship gene warriors on the ground.

Ziqiong is also shocked. Ye Li knocked down hundreds of zombies with her fingers in an instant, which has surprised her.

Now it's using your eyes to kill more than a dozen third-order evolutors in an instant?

She is also a third-order evolutor, so to speak, she is just a thing in the eyes of the demon master.

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