Ziqiong was watching the scene, her delicate face was full of shock.

She remembered what happened in the ruins of the city, she naturally knew that Ye Li's knife was a dragon butcher's knife.

Moreover, she also knew that the master devil had not only a dragon butcher's knife, but also the Haotian tower, one of the ten ancient artifacts.

At this time, more than 30 skeletons of the fifth level Epee had been burned to ashes, and the leaves left their faces like jade, which was very insipid.

It seems that killing more than 30 skeletons and skeletons in a second is just a trivial matter for him.

Ye Li puts the Dragon slaying knife back into the system space, and he slowly turns back to look at the six step female zombie in front of him.

As long as the sixth grade female zombie, the corpse on the face is almost gone.

This six step female zombie is absolutely beautiful, even amazing, but at the moment, her whole body is dirty and her clothes are in tatters.

"Just now they all called you bonny. You're called bonny, right?" Ye Li said faintly.

Bone girl's face is very cold, purple eyes can not see the slightest emotion, she did not fear looking at Ye Li, way: "don't talk nonsense, kill me."

Ye Li smelled speech slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the six step female zombie was still a violent temper, and he didn't say he wanted to kill her.

"Would you like to follow me or not?" Ye Li looks at Gu nu.

Bone girl some stay, she was surprised to look at Ye Li, she really did not expect Ye Li would say such words.

All of a sudden, she felt the breath of leaves all over her body. She felt that there was no smell of human beings or dark race.

"You're strange!" Gu Nu stares at Ye Li lenglengleng.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Ye Li said faintly.

Bone girl sneered, "why should I follow you?"

Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the bone girl and replied, "with what you want, I can give you all."

Gu Nu is stunned again. She looks at the self-confidence on Ye Li's face. She feels that she has to believe.

"If you can avenge me, I will follow you!" Gu Nu said to Ye Li.

"Tell your story." Ye Li said slowly.

He has never been a hard man. Since the bone girl still has a big revenge, he should revenge her.

Then, Gu Nu tells Ye Li about her experience.

Bonnu is one of the Dharma protectors of the Zoroastrians. She has been opposed to the study of drugs to improve human genes, which has aroused a large number of people's dissatisfaction.

The leader of the fire cult actually refined her into a zombie, and then let her keep devouring the zombie, becoming the sixth level zombie.

In the end, she was given to a powerful dark race in the rockfall mountains.

She had been controlled by the powerful dark race and lost her memory, but one day she mistakenly drank a strange kind of water, and all her memories were restored.

She escaped without the attention of the powerful dark race.

Ye Li thought of this encounter, is enough to make people sympathize.


He has just killed Zhao Yang, the young leader of the Zoroastrianism. Sooner or later, there will be a war with the Zoroastrians, which can solve the problem of bonny girls.

Ye Li looks at Gu Nu's eyes. He thinks that Gu Nu should have been a kind-hearted person before she died. She swallowed up such a zombie, and her anger was not very heavy.

"Hehe, do you dare to let me follow you now?" Gu Nu disdains to look at Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded slightly and looked at the sun in the sky.

"Zoroastrians Is it strong? "

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