Epee skeleton dead people smell speech are all angry, they stare at Ye Li.

"Ye Li! Our leader has gone to fetch the treasure. When the leader arrives, today next year will be your Memorial Day! " The eight step Epee skeleton ghost stares at Ye Li and says,

Ye Li smiles, "baby?"

He couldn't think of any kind of rebellious treasure.

"Since you say your leader has gone to get the baby, I will wait here." Ye Li said faintly.

The eight step Epee skeleton ghost looked at Ye Li, and roared: "Ye Li, if I were you, I would kill a way now and run for my life!"

"It's a pity that you are not my Ye Li." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Most of the Epee skeleton undead know ye Li's terror in Tianying base. Although Ye Li is too arrogant, they know that Ye Li is not something they can afford.

Now only wait for the leader to take the baby, and then take Ye Li's life.

A moment later, their leader did not come.

Epee skeleton undead can't help but feel a little scared. They don't understand what kind of treasure the leader takes and why he hasn't come.

Ye Limian's face was a little dull. He looked at the eight step epee and said slowly, "the skeleton ghost of the Ninth level Epee is not running away, is it?"

As soon as this word was said, all the Necromancers of Epee were excited, as if they were shocked.

"You What do you say, how can the leader run away Eight step Epee, the skeleton undead stares at Ye Li.

Leaf from a smile, "that you pour is to say to see, your leader?"

"Our leader has gone to get the treasure. When the leader arrives, you will die without a burial place!" Eight step Epee, the skeleton undead spoke coldly.

Ye Li is a smile, "up to now, what do you have to insist on? It's really sad."

The sound falls, leaves from slowly shook his head.

Epee skeleton undead hear here, can't help but for a shock!

After a while, the skeleton undead of the Ninth level Epee still didn't come.

Ye Li is a little disappointed. Previously he said that the skeleton of the Ninth level Epee had run away, but he only guessed. Now it seems that he has really run away.

Originally, he wanted to see the so-called baby. He had been waiting so long. Otherwise, if he killed the ghost, the skeleton of the Ninth level Epee would run, so he would not see the baby.

Now it seems that there are no so-called treasures. The skeleton undead of the Ninth level Epee has already escaped.

"Originally my Ye Li just came to play in the Youming stream, but your leader escaped. I was very angry." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

You look at me, I look at you, all look at each other, where can you say a word.

"Of course, you know that I left Ye. I'll only shoot three times this time, and then I'll leave." Ye Li said leisurely.

Even if there is no flesh on the face, you can see the anger on the face.

When did the great people of Epee, skeleton and undead be so humiliated.

"Ye Li, are you too arrogant?" The eight step Epee, the skeleton undead, stares at Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't say much. He took out the Dragon butcher's knife from the system space.

Holding magic knife, standing long!

"Are you ready? I'm going to have a knife." Ye Li said leisurely.

Epee, skeletons and undead were all shocked. Of course, they knew that Ye Li's sword was the Dragon slaying sword, one of the ten ancient artifacts.

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