After six young girls came out of the helicopter, as if to the fairyland on earth, some of them let themselves go.

I don't know the horror of the rockfall mountains!

"Brother Gu Bai, do you think we can find the heart of darkness this time?"

A second-order evolutionary teenager looked at another rather handsome looking teenager and said.

This handsome young man is Gu Bai, a third-order evolutor, who is the highest level among the six men and women.

Gu Bai smiles, "this little wilderness area, it's said that the rockfall mountains are still some forbidden area of life. It's ridiculous. It's not easy to find the heart of darkness with our strength?"

"Big brother Gu Bai is right. Gu's family is an absolute big family in Tianlan base city. Now there are three top five evolutors in Gu's family. It's too simple to find the heart of darkness."

Gu's three fifth level evolutors are naturally three middle-aged men accompanying Gu Bai.

Ye Li was not far away and looked at them faintly. As an eight step evolutor, if he didn't let them find out, it was too simple.

"Brother Gu Bai, I heard that the heart of darkness was left by a dark race of ten levels after his death. Although it is the heart of the dark race, it also has a great effect on human gene warriors."

"Yes, it seems that after swallowing the heart of darkness, the speed of cultivation can be increased in the future, and the gene level will also be upgraded to a level."

Ye Li's hearing is so amazing that he naturally heard the dialogue between the six men and women.

Heart of darkness?

It was the first time that he had heard of the heart of darkness in the rockfall mountains, but he had not been discovered for many years, otherwise he would have heard about it when he was at the fire base.

"What do you think, Xi'er?"

Gu Bai looks at the girl beside him. The girl was dressed in casual clothes, her skin was very white, but her face was very cold, as if she had no emotion.

The girl named Xi'er is a third-order evolutor. Instead of answering Gu Bai's words, she frowned slightly, as if she hated Gu Bai very much.

Ye Li doesn't have to think about it. Gu Bai has been pursuing this girl many times, but unfortunately, she has been rejected by the girl mercilessly every time. It can be seen from the girl's failure to answer Gu Bai.

Gu Bai saw Xia Xi didn't answer him, but he was angry secretly. Tianlan base city didn't know how many people lined up to marry Gu Bai, but Xia Xi despised him.

Xia Xi's family in sky blue base city and Gu family's strength is similar, so that he can't use some means.

Ye Li thinks that although the strength of the flowers in these greenhouses is like mole ants, since they have come here, they should know the whereabouts of the heart of darkness.

It's better to Sneak in and find out?

Leaves from a smile, this method is really good.

Immediately he walked slowly past!

"Brother Gu, are we looking for the heart of darkness now?" A second-order evolutor looked at Gu Bai excitedly and said.

"Well, it's better to find it earlier than to go back." Gu Bai nodded and said.


A second-order evolutionist girl suddenly a little surprised, she was staring at a place.

Several people follow the girl's eyes to see the past, this look they can't help but also stunned.

They saw a man walking slowly towards them!

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