On hearing this, all the members of the golden wind expedition couldn't help smiling.

Although the scene of Ye Li's body cutting the knife with one hand is terrible, they suspect that Ye Li's body should be a body skill.

Now the captain and vice captain are in, look how arrogant Ye Li is.

"Ha ha." Ye Li is smiling again.

The deputy leader of the golden wind expedition team saw the smile on Ye Li's face, and couldn't help being more angry.

"Boy, can you still laugh?"

He didn't understand why he could laugh when everyone was dying.

"Why can't I laugh? Don't you know you're dead?" Ye Li said faintly.

All the members of the golden wind expedition were surprised.

And How dare you say that?

"You could have lived well, but it's a pity that you have offended me Ye Li. How about turning you into zombies?"

"Become zombies?"

The members of the golden wind expedition were all in a daze. They wanted to break their heads and couldn't imagine what ye Li meant.

Ye Li doesn't want to talk to them too much, and directly releases ADA from the system space.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a DA, the Jinfeng expedition team could not help but regress three steps.

But when they looked at a Da's eyes, they were scared to death Attachment!

"Nine Nine steps zombies? "

The leader of the Jinfeng expedition opened his eyes. He couldn't believe it was true.

The other members were not the same. Their eyes were wide open, and the panic on their faces was beyond description.

Even with the strength of suckling, they could not have imagined that a nine level zombie would appear.

"ADA, turn them into zombies." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Voice down, a stool began to move.

Among the more than ten members of the golden wind exploration team, the strongest is no more than the sixth level evolutor. In front of ADA, he is really very weak.


In a flash, more than a dozen members of the golden wind expedition all turned into zombies.

When the captain and the vice captain saw this, they were all heartbroken. They turned around and fled. The speed had reached the fastest time in history.

If they run away from ADA's hand, is Ada still Adah?


A big roar, a dart to the captain and vice captain in front of the body, instantly turned them into zombies.

Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind and composes all the more than ten members of the golden wind expedition into zombies.

Not bad. It's a third-order male zombie.

After putting a DA and the third-order male zombie into the system space, Ye Li looks at Xia Xi and says, "let's go."

Xia Xi nodded, after a few days of getting along with Ye Li, she already understood that, with Ye Li's existence, no matter what happened, her face should not show any fluctuation.

Ye Li has just stepped forward and heard the sound of the propeller.

"Click, click, click!"

In an instant, the wind blew up.

Ye Li slightly nodded, only to see two armed helicopters hovering in the air, about to land.

There is a dazzling character on the helicopter: summer!

Xia Xi a Zheng, "family helicopter."

Two armed helicopters began to land, and immediately more than ten people came down.


Xia Xi called to a man about 50 years old, and she ran over quickly.

The man was surprised, "Xi'er, you You're not dead? "

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