The spirit of the fourth level laughed and looked at Lin Shi sarcastically.

"Man, you take it for granted."

As soon as the voice dropped, two fourth-order spirits came out.

Lin Shi was surprised. He didn't expect that there were two fourth-order spirit spirits.

Now, with three fourth level spirit spirits and a hundred zombies, the cold sweat on Lin Shi's forehead can't help but come out.

"Humans, do you think that's enough now?" The fourth level soul giggled at Lin Shi.

Lin Shi was biting his teeth. If he was the only one, he would be able to escape. But there are still more than a dozen students.

For a moment, Lin Shi, a fifth order evolutor, was at a loss.

"Cluck, now that you have anything to be hesitant about, let's eat your soul, this is your final outcome." A fourth level spirit soul laughs.

Lin Shi looked at more than ten teenagers and said in a deep voice, "you go quickly!"

More than a dozen teenagers have not come back to their senses, still as rigid as the clay sculpture in place.

"Go Lin Shi had a drink.

More than a dozen teenagers came to their senses and ran back in a hurry.

"Want to run? Give it to me The fourth level spirit spirit clan shouts.

Immediately, hundreds of zombies rushed over.

For the fifth level evolution of Linshi, it is not difficult to block the hundreds of zombies, but the difficulty is that there are three fourth level spirits.

When Lin Shi blocked the impact of hundreds of zombies, the three fourth level spirits rushed to more than a dozen students of Sky Blue College.

These ten students of sky blue college are only first-order evolutors. How can they face three fourth-order spirits.

More than a dozen students of Sky Blue College were terrified. Three fourth level spirits giggled and prepared to devour their souls.

"No!" Lin Shi cried out.

But where would the three fourth level spirits listen to him? In their eyes, the souls of these ten students are already fat to their mouths.

At this critical moment, a figure appeared in front of the students of the sky blue college.

This figure is also a teenager, 20-year-old up and down the appearance, naturally is leaf from.

Ye Limian's face is as calm as water. He looks at the three four level spirits lightly.

The three fourth level spirits were shocked. They didn't see how Ye Li got to them. Is it possible that this human being is a strong one?

"Let's go." Ye Li looked at the three four level spirits and said faintly.

Three fourth level spirits were stunned, and one of them frowned, "human, what garlic are you going to pack? It's your turn to wait!"

Leaf from a smile, "since you do not go, stay here."

The sound falls, leaves from erect finger, the finger is terrified the golden aura is twining.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

With the sound of the three broken winds, the three four level spirits have been completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

More than a dozen students of sky blue college can't help but take a breath of cold air and stare at Ye Li with astonishment.

Lin Shi was also stunned. Three fourth level spirits must not be killed once. As a fifth level evolutor, he couldn't do it.

"Oh! Oops

The zombies continue to surround Lin Shi. These zombies are just ordinary zombies, which pose little threat to Lin Shi.

Ye Li ignored the astonishment of these students. He walked slowly to the side of the zombie group and said to Lin Shi, "come out, let me come."

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