At this time, Ye Li is being held by the big hand of cloud exploration, but it seems that she can't feel any pain. Her face is still too indifferent.

"This How could that be possible! "

The Gu family elder who sent out the cloud finder was shocked. He swore that he had never been so shocked since he was born.

Xia family and all the people who care for their family are not so. Their eyes are wide open and their mouth is open enough to put down an extra large bowl.

Is this man's body steel?

Even if it's steel, it's going to be crushed by a cloud finder.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, he looked at Gu Chao, "my leaf leaves just let you go, but you just don't listen, this can be no wonder me."

Yinluo, Ye Li urged the fourth layer of Taigu Tianmo code.

In an instant, a suffocating evil spirit appeared.

Xia's younger generation, their pupils will be shocked, their whole body is shaking violently, the soul is unable to stop the submission of this man in front of them.

Not to mention the young generation of Xia family, even the middle-aged and old generation, they are also shocked.

Such pressure is too terrible!

When ye Li urges the fourth layer of Archaean magic code, the cloud detecting hand held on Ye Li's body disappears instantly.

Ye Li raised his fingers, and the golden power attack swept out like a machine gun.

All of them dodged in a hurry. They never imagined that Ye Li was so terrible.

Gu Chao thought that there was someone else who had hurt the ten elders and his son, but now he realized how far wrong his idea was.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The golden power attack and the fourth layer of the Archaean magic code made Gu Chao and his parents at a loss.

Gu Chao evades the attack of a golden power. He suddenly thinks of something and is shocked to the point that it can't be added.

Golden power, SSS level gene warrior!

Just now, he has been dodging the attack of golden power. He didn't pay attention to it. Since the completion of Tianlan base city, SSS gene warrior has never appeared.

"Guiyuan palm!"

Suddenly, Gu Chao a flash body, erect the palm to the leaf, issued the return yuan palm.

The palms formed by innumerable auras suddenly attack leaves.

"Master, be careful!" Xia Xi yelled at Ye Li.

Ye Li, of course, noticed this scene. He jumped up from the ground with his toes and avoided the palms formed by innumerable auras.


A terrible golden power attack gallops toward Gu Chao.

The gap between the ninth and eighth order evolutors is too big to be crossed.

The whole process was so fast that Gu Chao didn't even have time to respond. The golden power attack came to him.


Gu Chao's arm is pierced by the golden power attack. In addition to a shocking blood hole, his arm has been broken.

When the elders of Gu's family saw this, they were like a bolt from the blue on their heads. They were so scared that they could not see two souls, seven spirits could not see six spirits.

They quickly ran over to take Gu Chao away. The whole process was flowing smoothly, and the speed had reached the fastest time in history.

Ye Li didn't choose to chase. He could, but there was no need. He was never a killer. He didn't want to kill at present.

One person fighting alone to care for the head of the family and the nine elders!!!

Xia family people originally thought they had been shocked before, but they just want to break the head also can't think of, they are now the real shock!

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