Since the end of the world, the race has taken the place of the new world.

These ten fifth level dark races have never seen such arrogant human beings.

"Man, you had a chance to run for your life, but you're going to die!" A fifth level dark race stares at Ye Li.

Leaf from a smile, he looked at the light of the five levels of dark night race.

"Believe it or not, I can kill you with my eyes." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

As soon as this word came out, more than a dozen fifth level dark night races were somewhat stunned. They did not expect Ye Li to dare to say such a thing.

"If you want to die, you will die!" Fifth order dark night, the dark race roars.

The sound falls, the dark race of the fifth stage night sends out a dark force to attack Ye Li.

Ye Li shook his head secretly. Why did someone always think he was arrogant? Killing a pathetic fifth order dark race with your eyes is also called arrogance?

I saw that Ye Li urged the heavenly spirit pupil, and a terrified golden power attack flew out of his eyes.


The attack of golden power and the power of darkness collide.

There is no doubt that the power of darkness was dispersed in an instant, and the terrible attack of golden power still flew towards the fifth level dark race.

The dark race of the fifth order dark night opened his eyes. His eyes were full of startled golden power. He wanted to avoid the attack of the golden power.

It is more difficult for the fifth order dark race to escape the attack of the ninth order evolution.


With the scream of the dark race of the fifth stage dark night, there is a shocking blood hole on his forehead.

"This How could that be possible! "

At this time, the other race in the dark to look at the fear of the ground.

"Summon the zombie!" A fifth order dark race yelled.

Immediately, more than a dozen fifth level dark races had their hands sealed, and then a black hole appeared in front of them. Each black hole came out with a mutant zombie.

A dozen mutant zombies are second-order zombies!


More than a dozen dark races have already known that Ye Li is terrible. If they don't go together, they will be wiped out.

Ye Li looks at more than a dozen second-order zombies. He knows that the dark night race's ability is to control the zombies, but he didn't expect to summon the zombies like this. It's interesting.

In Ye Li's eyes, more than a dozen fifth level dark races and more than a dozen second-order zombies are pitifully weak.

Ye Li pricks up his fingers, and the golden power attack is just like a machine gun.

A dozen fifth level dark race left only one in a moment, and all the others were destroyed!

As for the dozens of second-order zombies, Ye Li naturally synthesized them.

A dozen second-order zombies were six male zombies and six female zombies.

Ye Li synthesized a fifth order male zombie and a fifth order female zombie.

The rest of the fifth level night race saw this scene and was shocked out of his wits.

"This, this, this..."

At this time, where can the dark race of the fifth level still speak a complete sentence.

"Say it, sky blue base city around what is startling Lingbao." Ye Li looked at the fifth stage dark night, and the dark race said slowly.

The fifth level dark night race was surprised. He swallowed his saliva. "I don't know. It was the three leaders who told us."

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