With the orders of the dark race of the eighth order, the fifth order zombie pours towards Ye Li.

Ye Li stood still like a bell and even held out a hand.

This five level zombie is also a sense of interest, really a bite in Ye Li's arm.

The dark race of the eighth stage night was so stupid that he didn't expect Ye Li Zhen to bite his corpse.

The fifth level Zombie's poison spreads very fast. It won't take long for Ye Li to become a zombie.

"You're done with human beings, do you know you're going to become a zombie!" Eight steps dark night dark race said coldly.

"Is it?" Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of play ignorance.

The dark race of the eighth stage night is stunned. He doesn't understand why it's time. Ye Li's face still has the color of playing ignorance.

It's a pity that the eighth order dark night race can't imagine that Ye Li got the zombie virus immunity when he got the super synthesis system.

A minute passed

"This, this, this..."

The dark race of the eighth order dark night was a little stunned. A minute later, why hasn't this human become a zombie?

He thought that it must be the leaves from the realm is too strong, that's why.

Two minutes passed

However, three minutes have passed!!!

The dark eyes of the eighth step dark night have been widened for the largest time in history.

He really can't understand why Ye Li didn't become a zombie. How could it be!

"Are you shocked?" Ye Li looks at the dark race of eight steps.

The eighth order dark night race was shocked. He was more than shocked. He was shocked beyond measure.

Can a human evolutor not become a zombie after being bitten by a zombie.

"If you are shocked now, what I want to tell you is that the next step is really Shocked

Sound down, Ye Li released the last legion from the system space.

There are some claw zombies among the thousands of zombies. He doesn't want to let go.

Seeing the appearance of the eschatological legion, the dark race of the eighth order went back three steps and took a breath of cold air, and then they were more frightened.

"Nine Nine steps zombies? "

The dark race of the eighth order dark night would rather have collapsed than believe that there were six zombies of level 9 and a zombie of level 7 standing in front of him.

What's more, the appearance of these zombies is much better than his zombies. The male zombies are magnificent, and the female zombies are all over the country!

But now where is to pay attention to the appearance of the eschatological legion, the eighth order dark night race looks at Ye Li in horror.

Until now, he finally believes that Ye Li is not human, because it is impossible for human beings to control zombies.

It's really magic!!!

Looking at Ye Li, he found that Ye Li's face was as calm as water, which was really terrible.

”Do it. "

Ye Li gives an order to the last legion. He tells ADA that they should not hurt the two fifth level zombies of the eighth level dark race.

He thought that the eight level dark race was very interesting. This was the first time that he found the dark race interesting when he crossed the parallel world.

With Ye Li's command, the last legion began to attack thousands of zombies.

Ye Li leisurely opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and began to synthesize.

This wave, 18 claw zombies successfully reached level 9 zombies.

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