Black wind, the great elder of the second clan, and a group of six level dark night races have a close look!

Don't worry. I'm scared.

"People Human beings? "

Black wind gaping at Ye Li, he would rather believe that he can only live for a second, rather than believe that he will see human beings here.

You know, this is the domain of the dark race!

Suddenly, the black wind thought of what, cold looking at the black Shura, roared: "black Shura, did not expect that you dare to collude with human beings!"

Black Shura sneered and was about to say some sarcasm to Heifeng, but before he said it, Ye Li spoke.

"Stop and let me have a word." Leaves from the light to the black wind said.

Black wind is surprised, he has seen a lot of human gene warrior, according to the age of human, the present human is just a teenager.

As a teenager, what kind of powerful evolutor can he be.

Black wind does not understand, do not understand why leaves from the face of his time, can be so calm and self-contained, is it not his dependence on the black Shura?

Thinking of this, black wind couldn't help but smile coldly. He began to feel that the human being was a little interesting.

"What do you want me to say Black wind plays ignorant looking at Ye Li to say.

Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the black wind and slowly opened his mouth: "in fact, that seven step dark night race went to Jiangcheng."

"To Jiangcheng? So what? " The black wind does not understand looking at the leaf leaves.

"He went to Jiangcheng and met me Ye Li, so I killed him immediately." Ye Li said leisurely.


As soon as this word came out, all the dark races were shocked to the point that they could not even dream that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Human beings, do you think you killed the seventh leader of my second generation?" Black wind can't believe looking at leaves.

Leaf from a smile, "I leave leaf is not killed a small seven level dark race, is it worth your such a fuss?"

The dark and dark races of the second race were shocked when they heard this. Such words are really too arrogant.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Heifeng, the elder of the second clan, was as crazy as he burst out laughing.

All the dark races present were surprised and didn't understand why the black wind would laugh.

"Human, human, it is the heshura who taught you to say this. Do you still want to say that it was the heshura who brought you back?" Black wind is extremely disdainful to look at the leaves.

Ye Li shook his head secretly. Why did no one believe him when he told the truth?

"You really seem to understand." Ye Li said faintly against the black wind.


The black wind furiously drank out a sound, pointed to Ye Li and then said: "now, what do you want to pretend to be? Do you know that you are going to die soon!"

Black Shura secretly happy, he thought black wind, this is killing ah, with the help of the demon master, the second clan is a fart.

Thinking of Ye Li's Last Legion, the black Shura can't help but get a burst of fear.

Leaf from a smile, "since you said I leave leaves soon to die, then show your ability to come."

Finish saying, leaf from to the black wind hook finger.

Black wind can not help but get angry, "kill you a small human, still use my hand, to kill that human!"

Yinluo, a six level dark race will fly towards Ye Li.

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