"Yunshao, beat this boy down and let him see how powerful you are."

"Boy, even if you dare to fight with Yun Shao, Yun Shao can knock you out with one punch."

Xiaohui wisely retreated to one side, her heart did not fluctuate, on the contrary, she also wanted to laugh, she naturally knew that this youth called Yunshao was not Ye Li's opponent.

All of a sudden, Yunshao raised his fist and hit Ye Li fiercely.

This group of teenagers are pitifully looking at Ye Li, only because they know what is the end of offending Yunshao.

Ye Li stood in the same place and moved, as if he didn't see the punch coming.

Cloud Shao complacent smile, he just thought Ye Li was scared silly.

When the fist is separated by a line from ye, Ye Li opens his palm and holds Yunshao's fist.

Yunshao only felt that the hand of Ye Li was like steel. At this moment, he felt the pain in his heart.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Ye Li really doesn't want to pay attention to these children, but they just want to provoke him. What can he do?

As soon as I throw it, I throw the cloud out a few meters away, and then I walk forward without looking back.

Xiao Hui immediately followed up.

"Wait for my elders."

Xiaohui blinked an eye, it was over, she still some did not react to come over.

The group of teenagers quickly helped Yunshao up.

"Yunshao, how are you? Are you ok?"

Yunshao felt a little muddled, he was defeated in an instant?

That is to say, is that person a senior awakener?

The other teenagers did not expect that they all grinned bitterly. They thought Ye Li was a bronze, but he was a king.

Yunshao felt some bitterness in the corner of his mouth, and immediately he made a decision that several teenagers didn't think of.

He ran up to catch up with Ye Li and Xiao Hui.

This run, can be a few other teenagers to frighten, they thought that cloud less is to run over and leaf from play with life.

They also ran up in a hurry!

Xiao Hui heard the sound of running and looked back.

"Master, they are catching up."

Ye Li nature also heard the sound of running, this group of teenagers catch up is let him did not expect.

Cloud less one breath ran to the leaf from the body, looking at the leaf from said: "just now I was more offended, I hope you don't mind."

"I hope to make friends with you if I can." Yunshao continued.

Ye Li didn't expect Yunshao to say such a thing, which made him look at him differently. He thought Yunshao was a dandy.

Hearing this, all the teenagers were dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Yunshao doesn't come to find Ye Li desperately, otherwise the consequences are really unthinkable.

Although Ye Li looks at the cloud little differently, it doesn't mean he will make friends with him.

"I'm not interested in making friends with you." Ye Li said slowly.

As soon as this is said, Yunshao is a little embarrassed.

However, he has been impressed by Ye Li Gang's demeanor, although he doesn't know why he suddenly admires Ye Li so much.

In the fall, looking at the leaves from the back.

At that moment, I felt like the God who subdued the devil in the sky, just like the God of Tai Sui on earth.

"My name is Yunfeng. You should go to Annam base city. I can take you there." Cloud wind carefully looking at Ye Li said.

This group of teenagers are more stupid. How can Yunshao look like seeing his idol? Shouldn't it be a feud?

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