"Lin Chen, since you are here, help me teach this man a lesson."

Xiao Yuzhu is very disdainful to look at the leaves.

Lin Chen a smile, "rain bamboo made a speech, nature is OK."

Then Lin Chen looked at Ye Li, "brother, Yuzhu let me teach you a lesson, would you like to?"

All the onlookers were stunned. They thought that this man was too arrogant. They should teach others a lesson and ask whether they would like to.

"In fact, it's useless if you don't want to, because you've offended the wrong people. Yuzhu is from the Xiao family, and I'm from the Lin family."

Lin Chen's face is very proud of looking at Ye Li. In his opinion, Ye Li will be scared to death when he knows his identity with Xiao Yuzhu.

"It's the son of the Xiao family and the Lin family. No wonder they are so arrogant."

"I'm afraid this man is miserable. If he offends the people of the last three families, he will end up in a terrible way."

"So people, you have to be able to see. It's not good to offend people who shouldn't be provoked."

The onlookers all looked at Ye Li with pity. They could even think of it with their toes. What happened to Ye Li.

Lin Chen complacent smile, listen to the words of the crowd around, thinking that Ye Li should be silly now, he looked at Ye Li's face.


Lin Chen secretly angry, he looked at Ye Li.

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face did not have the slightest fluctuation, as if did not hear any words.

"You Why aren't you afraid? "

Lin Chen really can't understand. He says he and Xiao Yuzhu are from the three families. In his eyes, no matter who hears this, he should be afraid.

Xiao Yuzhu also doubts unceasingly, she found that ye Lizhen is too calm, calm even some do not like words. She looked at Ye Li's eyes, but found Ye Li's eyes like electricity.

"Why should I be afraid?" Ye Li said faintly.

He didn't understand. Was it the son of the three families that he had to be afraid of? That's ridiculous.

"Don't you know how good the last three are?"

Lin Chen looks at Ye Li dead, as the son of the three families, no one in the same age dares to talk to him like this.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head slowly.

The onlookers were stunned. Did anyone in sky blue base know the terror of the three? I don't know, or pretend.

They are more willing to believe in the latter. They think that Ye Li is pretending to be calm, but in fact, he is scared to death.

"Well, well, since you don't know the horror of the last three, I'll let you know today!" Lin Chen looks at Ye Li viciously.

Xiao Yuzhu looks sarcastically at Ye Li. Lin Chen and she are both three-level evolutors. As long as Lin Chen hands, this person is afraid to lie in bed for several months.

"I advise you not to do it. You are too weak." Ye Li said slowly.

When this was said, everyone was dumbfounded!

They just want to break the head, but also can't expect Ye Li to say such words.

Lin Chen smell speech is angry, he gnashing teeth at Ye Li, "you're looking for your own way to death!"

Leaves from a smile, "mole ants are mole ants, I see this way, I use a finger, if you can win my leaves, I leave leaves with you to deal with."

Quiet, dead silence!

All the people present were staring at Ye Li, which was too arrogant.

This is the son of the last three families, with a finger?

Xiao Yuzhu is also angry to the extreme, she has never seen such a arrogant person.

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