Xiao Cang is well aware of Ye Li's power. He has not forgotten Ye Li's unique style on the mountain that day. If it had not been for Ye Li, he would have been dead.

Xiao Cang directly let people set up a Manchu and Han banquet. Since he could not get the Donghuang bell, it was also quite good to establish a good relationship with Ye Li.

Leaves from the light looking at the table of delicacies, he began to eat and drink up.

He ate just like killing people. Before many people saw his knife, he had already died. Many people had not seen him move his chopsticks, and he had eaten well.

The people from the head of the family were shocked. They had never seen anyone who ate so fast.

Ye Li stayed at Xiao's house the next day. He wanted to leave. Xiao Yuzhu came to him and said, "Mr. Ye, do you want to go to the zombie paradise?"

It's not the first time Ye Li heard about the funeral paradise. He went there when he was in Annam base city.

Xiao Yuzhu looked at him begging and obviously wanted him to go.

"All right."

Ye Li nodded. Anyway, there is nothing too important at present. It's better to go to the zombie paradise.

Xiao Yuzhu saw that Ye Li agreed, and immediately jumped up on his small face.

Later, Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu walked towards the zombie paradise.

Zombie paradise. There's a zombie Park in the north.

Low level zombies are 1-5 zombies!

Senior zombies are zombies of level 6-10!

There are dozens of captive farms in the zombie paradise in Tianlan base city. The tickets here are very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford it.

Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu arrive outside the zombie paradise. The zombie paradise is very happy and looks like an amusement park.

"Mr. Ye, wait for me here. I'll buy the ticket." Xiao Yuzhu said to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded. He looked out of the zombie paradise. Many of these people are ordinary awakeners. It seems that there are many rich people in sky blue base city.

All of a sudden, a man came over in front of him and behind him. The man looked like he was eighteen or nine years old. Beside him was a beautiful beauty, and behind him were several fifth order evolutors.

"Oh, it's master Gu Bai."

"Master Gubai is so exemplary. I wish I could be master Gubai's woman."

"Come on, you, you don't want to see what you look like. Can master Gu Bai look up to you?"

Gu's family is one of the eight families in Tianlan base city, and Gu Bai is the legitimate family of Gu family, who knows a lot of people naturally.

The children of the three families have always kept a low profile, so they don't know many people.

Gu Bai enjoyed the envious eyes of the people. His head was raised high, as if these people were only worthy of his contempt.


A fifth order evolutor who cares for his family sees that there is someone standing in the way. He has never met such a thing. When the young master goes out, he always gives way to the young master, and no one dares to block the young master's way.

The fifth level evolutor of Gu's family took a quick step to Ye Li's body.

"Get out of the way!" The fifth order evolutionist cheered coldly to Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't even look at the fifth order evolutor, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Boy, you didn't hear me, did you?" The fifth order evolutors are staring at Ye Li.

"Who is this man who dares to block master Gu's way? I'm really impatient to live."

"Yes, don't he know how good master Gu is?"

"Look, this man is going to end badly."

People outside the zombie paradise began to point to Ye Li.

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