Ye Li looked at Xiao Yuzhu, "then let's go to the corpse city."

"But Mr. Ye, Sky Blue College is training outside the corpse city." Xiao Yuzhu looks at Ye Li with some embarrassment.

Xiao Yuzhu just graduated from Tianlan college. She had a chance to go to Yunding academy, but she didn't go because she thought it was too far away.

"Sky blue Academy's experience outside corpse city has nothing to do with us going to corpse city?" Leaves from the light looking at Xiao Yuzhu.

Xiao Yuzhu was a little stunned. She didn't dare to go on.

"Mr. Ye, are we going to the corpse city now?" Xiao Yuzhu looks at Ye Li and says.

"Well." Ye Li nodded.

After Ye Li put the last legion and little black into the system space, he and Xiao Yuzhu went to the corpse city.

The corpse city is quite far away from here. If you just walk alone, it will take a lot of time. After asking the direction of corpse City, Ye Li directly grabs Xiao Yuzhu's hand, and then starts to urge God to walk a hundred steps.

From high to high, the land soars, walking high buildings, jumping buildings like walking on the ground, jumping across the river, vertical jumping into the sea, and stepping on the foot of thousands of tall buildings.

Ye Li's Shenxing Baibu is now SSS level skill. The speed is too fast. Before long, Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu arrived outside the corpse city.

Xiao Yuzhu was stunned. Although she knew that the speed of Ye Li was very fast, it was too fast.

Ye Li ignored the shocked expression on Xiao Yuzhu's white face. Anyone who meets this kind of thing must be shocked beyond measure.

He looked at the corpse City, which was similar to the ruins city in the wilderness area. At the moment, he and Xiao Yuzhu were in a forest.

Is ready to go to the corpse City, several voices into Ye Li's ear.

"Ha ha, steel pig, I killed three."

"I killed five red snakes, too."

"There seem to be two people ahead."

Five or six students of sky blue college are a little bit stuck. Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu don't wear the uniform of Sky Blue College, which means they are not students of Sky Blue College.

"Let's go and have a look."

Immediately, several students came towards Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu.

When they got close, several students looked at Xiao Yuzhu, and they were all stunned.

"Xiao Xuejie, why are you here?"

When Xiao Yuzhu was in Tianlan college, she was an absolute figure in the college. It can be said that no one in the college did not know her.

"I guess sister Xiao must have come to see senior Lin Chen." One student said.

Lin Chen is the son of the last three Lin families, and also the first genius of the Lin family. Originally, Lin Chen graduated from Tianlan college, but he chose to stay in order to attack the Wuta of Tianlan college.

Since the establishment of the Wuta of sky blue academy, no one has rushed to the last floor.

Everyone knows that Lin Chen likes Xiao Yuzhu and thinks that they are made in heaven. Both of them are the children of the last three families, which makes countless students envy him to the extreme.

This time, Sky Blue College organized students to come to corpse city for training, and Lin Chen came naturally.

Hearing this, Ye Li naturally understands why Xiao Yuzhu didn't want to come to corpse city before, but he doesn't care about these things. Now he just wants to upgrade Xiaohei to a level one level and see if it will evolve.

Xiao Yuzhu was about to open his mouth. A student then said, "Xiao Xuejie, I'm going to tell senior Lin Chen."

With that, the student turned and walked away.

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