When Lin Tu saw this, he was shocked.

"This, this, how could this be possible!"

Lin Tu would rather believe that the sky horse is about to collapse than that this scene is true.

He thought Ye Li was a mortal, but now

Ye Li's face still has no fluctuation. He never needs any reason to do things. In the end of his life, what is it to kill several people?

Xiao Yuzhu did not expect that Ye Li was so resolute in killing and fighting. She secretly congratulated herself. Fortunately, the Xiao family did not offend Ye Li too much, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Are you afraid?" Leaves from the light look at Lin Tu said.

Lin TU was startled. How could he not be afraid? If Lin Chen died, he would feel extremely angry. Then four seven level evolutors were cut to death by Ye Li, and he would be out of his wits.

These are four seven level evolutors. They are killed by seconds in an instant. We can imagine how terrifying Ye Li's strength is.


Lin Tu looks at the knife in Ye Li's hand. This knife is really terrible. He feels that just taking a look at it is a burst of fear.

At this time, where can Lin tu be able to say a complete sentence, he looked at Ye Li in horror, and his whole body could not help shaking up.

"You don't have to be like this, because you won't be afraid any more." Ye Li said slowly.

Lin TU was shocked and would not be afraid immediately?

Is it possible that

He thought of a surprising possibility, that is, Ye Li would let him go. Only by letting him go, would he not be afraid.

Thinking of this, Lin Tu raised his head and looked at Ye Li.

It's a pity that Lin TU was doomed to be disappointed. Ye Li spoke slowly:

"there is only one kind of people in the world who can't be afraid, that is the dead."

When Lin Tu heard this, his old face was shocked to the extreme. He just wanted to beg for mercy, but he found that Ye Li had raised the Dragon butcher's knife high.


A cold light appeared, Lin Tu said goodbye to the world forever.

And leaves from the face crown such as jade's face or no fluctuation, as if simply doing a trivial matter in general.

Ye Li takes the Dragon slaying knife back into the system space and walks back slowly.

Xiao Yuzhu looks at the corpse on the ground. He swallows his saliva. She thinks that the Lin family will surely revenge. But as long as the Lin family does, I'm afraid the Lin family will be wiped away from Tianlan base forever.


Ye Li and Xiao Yuzhu return to Tianlan base city. After arriving at the Xiao family, Xiao Cang, the leader of the Xiao family, has a dignified face.

Xiao Cang looked at Ye Li, "Mr. Ye, a member of the Lin family Did you kill it

Ye Li was stunned. It didn't take long. Did you know so soon?

Ye Li was immediately relieved. As long as the life card disappears, it means that life is gone.

"Yes, I did it." Ye Li said slowly.

As for why Xiao Cang guessed that he did it, he didn't want to think about it. As one of the owners of the last three Xiao families, Xiao Cang certainly needs this information.

Xiao Cang smelled the speech and revealed a wry smile, "Mr. Ye, just when you and Yuzhu came back, the people of the Lin family have already been staring at you."

"Now the Lin family is mobilizing troops to unite with the Tang family to come to you."

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