All the people present saw the scene and were scared to step back three steps.

"Nine Nine steps zombies? "

Tang Xiao's eyes are wide open, seven nine level zombies, how can this be possible?

And there are 18 zombies with six step claws!!!

What shocked Tang Xiao even more was that ye left the sword in his right hand and the tower held by his left hand, and the red clock in front of him.

He had seen the ancient ten artifact's map, he thought carefully, his whole body can't help but tremble.

"Tu Long Dao, Haotian tower, Donghuang bell!"

Tang Xiao dares to swear that he has never been so shocked since he was born.

In ancient times, Ye Li's hand is full of the three great artifacts. How can he not be shocked.

Lin Xinghe and other Lin family members are not the same. Their eyes are opened to the largest extent in history, and their mouth is open enough to put down an extra large bowl.

Xiao Cang and Xiao's family are shocked to the point that can't be added. They look at Ye Li with consternation.

"The dark race!"

Lin Xinghe looked at Ye Li, but he didn't expect Ye Li to be a powerful dark race.

Hearing Lin Xinghe's words, everyone was shocked. They were so shocked that they forgot that only the dark race could control the zombies.

the Xiao family could not help but stay away from Ye Li for a few steps. Xiao Yuzhu knew that Ye Li was not a dark race. She did not have a far away Ye Li, which could be forcibly taken away by the Xiao family.

At this time, leaf from seems to have become the target of public criticism!

"No wonder you can reach such a level at such an age. You are a dark race Lin Xinghe stares at Ye Li with a cold smile.

"Yes, and there are seven nine level zombies, 18 six level claw zombies, dragon slaying sword, Haotian tower and Donghuang bell Tang Xiao also sneered.

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face does not have the slightest fluctuation, the light said: "looks like, you are to eat me leaf to leave?"

"Yes, Ye Li, you can't escape from the sky blue base city today, even if you have the ability to connect with the sky. You have no way to go to heaven and no door to the earth." Tang Xiao stares at Ye Li and says.

Ye Li smiles to himself. If he is an ordinary nine level evolutor, there is absolutely no chance of winning. But is he an ordinary nine level evolutor?

He has a large-scale damage range of skills, one hit, when the world changes color!

"In that case, do it." Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to Tang Xiao and Lin Xinghe.

"Do it!" Tang Xiao and Lin Xinghe gave orders at the same time.

Suddenly, the army to leave the fire, countless laser guns shot out a terrible laser.

Leaves from a cold smile, is the so-called, I from the horizontal knife to the sky smile, to leave liver and gall two Kunlun!

"Purgatory: death!"

Ye Li throws the Haotian tower into the air, and the Haotian tower becomes tens of Zhang in size.

At the bottom of the tower, countless lightning strikes, and the earth shakes in an instant!


Ye Li's hand fiercely hit the Eastern Emperor's bell, and the sound of the bell spread rapidly. A strong wind rose, and countless people flew back and forth.

"Do it." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Soon, the last legion ejected!

Eighteen sharp claw corpse forms corpse ghost array, instantly corpse gas begins to boil up.

"Ah! Ah! Ah

There were countless screams that were enough to make one's head broken and numb.

Ye Li leaped up and held up the Dragon butcher's knife and slowly opened his mouth: "the ancient demon king is beheaded!"

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