Ye Li opened the super treasure chest without hesitation:

"congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill upgrade x1."

"Congratulations on the host's acquisition of the super evolution potion x1."

"Congratulations on the upgrade of Archean magic code to level 5."

As Ye Li thought, the test of the Donghuang bell was really precious.

Integrate all skills and skills X1 opportunities, both Ye Li's skills and eschatology's skills by one level.

Ye Li checked his skill level:

fire Sabre: SSS level. Archaic demon king chop: SSS level. Demons: SSSS level.

It's all SSS!

Ye Li has no idea what super evolution medicine is.

Super evolution potion: the sacred potion of human evolution. It can rise one level without any side effects after drinking.

Looking at the introduction of super evolution agents, ye couldn't help but brighten his eyes, thinking that it was too terrible.

Without much thought, he drank the super evolution potion.

In an instant, leaves from only feel the whole body is hot up, the whole body of capillary blood air are hot to an extreme point.

Ye Li couldn't help but let out a low roar. It was like being burned by fire.

When this feeling slowly disappears, Ye Li feels that his strength has reached a new height. He looks at his attribute panel:

"host: Ye Li."

"System: Super synthetic system."

"Weapons: Dragon butcher's sword (artifact), Haotian tower (artifact), Eastern Emperor's bell (artifact, not recognizing the Lord.)"

"Skills: healing technique, super golden finger, fire Sabre technique, archaic demon king chop, Tianmo Badao Jue, Taigu Tianmo code level 5."

"Realm: Ten level evolutors."

"Zombie: the last legion."

Now he has reached the fifth level, which means that he is at least 100 times better than the previous nine level evolutors.

Ye Li was a little worried about the tenth order evolutor, but now he knows that all his worries are unnecessary.


"The donghuangzhong has chosen to identify the host with the host. Does the host agree?"


"The beginning of emperor Donghuang's recognition of the LORD:

" 10% 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"The emperor's bell was successful."

Now that the trial of Donghuang bell is over, Ye Li should also go down the mountain.


Back at the third dark night castle, Ye Li finds that there are many other dark races outside the third dark night castle, and the level of these dark races is not low. They are basically six to seven level dark races.

A seventh level ghost, the dark race, is stunned. He looks at Ye Li.

"You're not human?"

Immediately, dozens of high-level dark races all looked at Ye Li.

Now Ye Li's archaic magic code has been upgraded to the fifth level, and he has not hidden his breath.

as like as two peas of high rank dark races, they really do not understand that ye has no human breath, but he is exactly the same as human beings.

"I'm not really human." Ye Li nodded.

Seven steps Ghost a smile, "you are steel bone adult's hand or thunder strange adult's hand."

"Why, are steel bones and thunder monsters in it?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The seventh level ghost nodded, "yes, Lord steel and Lord leiguai are talking to heishura about some things."

Leaf from did not continue to ask, he walked toward the inside in the past.


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