Then the 8-level awakened person quickly arranged accommodation for several people.

After a day's walking, Xia Xi was a little tired and soon fell asleep.

Leaf Li Shun window to see out, this is a star long moon night.

He thought it would not be long before he could see them, and he was looking forward to it.

All the encounters in the world are reunion after a long separation. I don't know how it will be.

Then he went to sleep, too.

The next day, the systematic prompt intonation appeared in Ye Li's mind.

"Zombie chest X25."

Ye Li opened the zombie treasure chest with one key:

"gain gene point 1500, strength point 1500, speed point 1500, defense point 1500."

"Gain S-level skill, ghost sword cross cut."

Ye Limian has a wonderful face. After integrating the attribute points he has obtained into his body, he looks at the introduction of the cross cutting of the God devil sword:

the cross cutting of the God devil sword: once issued, the heaven and earth will change color, and the sun and moon will not shine. The cross cutting attack has the power of endless gods and demons, which can destroy the heaven and the earth.

Ye Li thinks it's OK. He has another skill.


"Do you practice cross cutting with gods, demons and ghosts?"


“10%… 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"The cross cutting cultivation of God, devil and ghost sword is successful."

Now, the cross cutting skill of God demon ghost knife is Ye Li's weakest skill, because his other skills have reached SSS level.

Xia Xi several people also wake up, after a simple wash, they are ready to go to the mountains to find the evil tiger.

The villagers all watched several people. They hoped that Ye Li and his party could kill the tiger in the mountain.

Before long, the party arrived at the mountain mentioned by level 8 awakeners.

The mountains are full of ancient trees. It looks like a primitive forest. There are all kinds of poisonous insects crawling on the trees.

Ye Li is looking for it with tianlingtong. He has just urged tianlingtong, and a gust of wind blows up.

As the saying goes, cloud from dragon, wind from tiger!

A five meter long giant tiger rushed out. The tiger's eyes were red and his scalp was numb.

And the tiger's muscles are as hard as a dragon.

The zombie was infected with the virus, no doubt.

The fierce tiger stares at a few people fiercely, the tusks of more than 20 cm long begin to nod up, it seems that they will rush up at any time.

Leaf leaves from the face crown like jade's face some uninteresting, this tiger's strength is only three levels.

He wanted to try his new skills.

Have a look at the power of Xiaohei, Ye Li thinks in his heart.

Then, he released Xiaohei from the system space.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Xiaohei saw the new place and began to shake his head and tail. He was very excited.

"Master, where is this?"


Xiaohei suddenly found something. After the eighth level state, Xiaohei has been able to speak.

"Master, why is there a big cat here?"

This tiger seems to understand the general, after a fierce cry, toward the small black rushed over.

Heaven has a way you don't go, hell has no door, you vote!

Xiaohei's body shape is absolutely different from that of the evil tiger. But in terms of strength, this tiger is attacking the stone with an egg.

At the moment when the tiger was about to pounce on Xiaohei, Xiaohei put up his dog's paws and slapped the tiger on its body.

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