Yueling has never seen such a person as Ye Li. She looks at Ye Li in horror.

Ye Li's appearance is definitely the best person she has ever seen. This is not the key, but his strength.

His bone penetrating palm has no effect on this man, which proves that besides his amazing defense, he is in a state of

Yueling didn't dare to think about it. She didn't dare to think about it any more.

"Let's go." After meeting her, she is proud of the white face.

Suddenly, Yueling remembered what her father had said to her.

"Ling'er, although your genetic talent and realm are good, there are too many talents in the world. You must keep a low profile when you go to Yunding Academy."

At that time she was still dismissive, but now think about it, she thinks that she is a joke.

When the moon spirit and Wang Kang were ready to leave, Ye Li stopped them.

"Wait a minute."

The moon spirit returns to the body, is very puzzled looking at the leaf from.

"I said, I have given you the opportunity to leave, but you do not cherish it." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

As soon as this word comes out, the moon spirit and Wang Kang several people are somewhat in a daze.

"You What do you want? "

Ye Li said with a smile, "you can see that we spent a lot of money eating these things. Are you..."

Yueling didn't understand what it meant. She quickly asked Wang Kang to pay the bill. She couldn't wait to leave the restaurant because she felt helpless at this time.

"Master, you are so good." Xia smiles at Xi Ye.

Yang Xiong, Zhang Du and Li Yun did not think so. They really admired Ye Li so much that they could not add more admiration.

Everyone in the restaurant looked at each other in awe. Most of them came to Yunding school. In their place, they were all geniuses. Compared with Ye Li, they were really more angry than others.


Ye Li and his party stayed in Yuncheng for several days, and finally arrived at the opening day of Yunding Academy.

Thousands of new students went to Yunding mountain. After handing in the order of Yunding, several students went to the playground of Yunding school palace.

At this time, there are thousands of new students standing on the playground. Their faces are more or less smiling. When they enter the Yunding academy, they will have unlimited achievements in the future.

At this time, a 27 year old woman, dressed in strong clothes, was a seven step evolutionary.

"I'm your freshman tutor. My name is Fengling. You can call me Fengling tutor."

"Now all you have to do is to attack the pagoda. The higher the level of impact, the more rewards you will get."

Fengling glanced at the freshmen and said.

Thousands of freshmen are all happy when they hear the speech. How can they think that they will be rewarded if they just come to Yunding school.

"Next, I'll take you to Wuta."

Soon, the wind bell will take the people toward the Wu tower.

A few minutes later, all the freshmen arrived under the Wu tower.

The pagoda has 30 floors, and the appearance is very exquisite.

"Let's start to attack the pagoda!"

Wind chime a light drink, immediately all the freshmen began to rush toward the Wu tower.

After all, the door of Wuta is only so wide. At the gate, everyone starts to crowd up and finally turns into a fight scene.

Xia Xi and his party also joined the fight, only Ye Li is still in place.

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