"Xun'er, qian'er, do you know your predecessors?" Xiao Hui looks at Su xun'er and Lu Qian in doubt.

Su xun'er and Lu Qian nodded.

When Su xun'er saw Ye Li for the first time, she still remembered that she met a boa constrictor. If it wasn't for Ye Li, she and her sister would have designated it as more or less dangerous.

And Lu Qian is in Huangjiang base city, at that time Ye Li asked Lu Qian how to get to Su's home.

After seeing Su xun'er and Lu Qian nodding, Xiao Hui and Yun man are stunned at the same time. How can they think xun'er and qian'er will know their predecessors.

Immediately, the four women respectively told the story of them and Ye Li.

"Master, I'm a fourth-order evolutor now." Xiaohui's poor little face is very proud.

Now Xiao Hui is also a genius in Yunding school, although not a super genius.

Yun man, Su xun'er and Lu Qian are all A-level gene talents, while Xiao Hui is an S-level gene talent. Naturally, the speed of practice should be faster.

At this time, the wind chime also came.

The four girls looked at the wind chime, and they were all a little stunned.

"Teacher Fengling, why are you here?"

When Xiaohui and Xiaohui first entered the New College of Yunding school, Fengling was their tutor.

Fengling was a little embarrassed. She felt that she was a little brighter than a 3000 Watt light bulb.

"I I... "

Do you know how the wind chimes are forced to leave?

"Elder, a Da they..."

At this time, the four women looked at the last legion.

They have been to Yunding Academy for more than a year. Naturally, they know that the zombies of the 10th order are the zombies of the Lord level, which can also be called the corpse king.

Seven corpse kings, it is so terrible!

"Wang Wang Wang Wang, I'm Xiao Hei. I'm a god beast." Xiao Hei introduced herself to the four girls.

"What a lovely dog." Xiao Hui touched Xiao Hei's head.

After Ye Li introduced the Last Legion to the four women, they froze like clay sculpture again.

This is just more than a year, they really did not expect that the strength of their predecessors has reached this level.

At this time, a seventh order evolutor came over. The seventh order evolutor was a woman, which looked about the size of a wind chime, and dozens of students were behind him.

"Tutor Lu is here." Yunman said.

The name of Lu tutor in Yunman's mouth is Lu Yu. She is preparing to speak, but her whole body is like being shocked, looking at the scene in front of her.

"Ten Ten zombies? "

Lu Yu quickly stepped back a few steps, followed by the students behind Lu Yu, more panic to the point, some timid even scared to the ground.

This is the ten rank corpse king!!!

"Don't be afraid, Master Lu. They won't hurt you." Xiao Hui smiles sweetly at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was surprised, she looked at four girls, wind chime she naturally knew, although she did not know why the wind chime appeared in this place.

There was a teenager she had never seen.

"Well, you go back to Yunding school first. I'll come to you then." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

"Good master." Xiao Hui replied.

Lu Yu was shocked at the speech. Could it be that

She suddenly thought of a surprising possibility, that is, these zombies are controlled by the young man in front of her.

Just when the four girls were ready to walk to Lu Yu, the cold laughter suddenly passed into the ears of all.

"Cluck, so many human beings, it seems that I can have a good meal."

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