Several girls are silly, they thought Ye Li was very arrogant, but now they don't feel so.

"That's too much, Qingxue. Who is he, your brother?" A girl looked at Lu Qingxue and asked.

Lu Qingxue did not seem to hear the same, her eyes straight looking at the leaves, as if in the same.

"Why, are you excited to see me?" Leaves from the light looking at Lu Qingxue.

Lu Qingxue smell speech back to God, but she did not know how to answer, see leaves from her of course excited.

"Master, why are you here?" Lu Qing has some doubts on her white face.

"I've been here for a long time, and I'm still famous here." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Lu Qingxue was a little surprised. She seemed to think of something.

"Master is the devil? I should have thought of it. "

Several girls looked at Lu Qingxue and Ye Li.

They thought Ye Li was Lu Qingxue's brother. Now it seems not.

"By the way, where are you now?" Ye Li asked suddenly.

"At Star College." Lu Qingxue then said: "Tianxing academy and Yunding academy are all schools founded by wuzhe alliance. After sister Qian brought me back, she asked me to go to Tianxing college."

Star College?

Ye Li heard the name for the first time.

"Then show me."

Anyway, when there is nothing to do, Ye Li thinks it's OK to have a look.

"But master, you are not a student of Star College." Lu Qingxue said with some embarrassment.

"It's OK. Just take me." Ye Li said slowly.

Lu Qingxue had to take ye to leave Tianxing college. Several girls were her best friends.

At the gate of Tianxing college, Lu Qingxue and several young girls stopped.

"Master, only the students of Tianxing college can enter Tianxing college. You can get this..."

With that, Lu Qingxue felt something similar to the student ID card.

"It's OK. You go first." Ye Li's face is light.

Lu Qingxue and several young girls into the star college, Ye Li urges God to walk a hundred steps and disappears in place.

After entering the Tianxing college, Ye Li finds that the star college is not so good. It is similar to the Yunding academy, and has set up a tower in disguise.

There are three big characters on the tower - Star Tower.

Under the tower is a square, there are many students practicing.

Lu Qingxue and several girls also went to the Star Tower.

"Why don't you wear the Star College uniform?"

A student is very surprised to see Ye Li.

As soon as this was said, the students who had been practicing with closed eyes opened their eyes one after another. The students of Tianxing college were all wearing school uniforms, and Ye Li was particularly conspicuous.

Lu Qingxue and several young girls are surprised, "is the elder?" Lu Qingxue is very surprised. She does not understand how Ye Li came in.

"Do I need to explain to you if I'm wearing a uniform?" Ye Li looked at the third-order evolutor in front of him.

The third-order evolutor was surprised that he didn't wear school uniform. Why did he seem to be reasonable?

"Who is this man? He is too arrogant."

"Yes, is it a super genius?"

"It's impossible. There are only a few super geniuses in Tianxing Academy."

The students began to talk.

"This classmate, can you explain to me why you don't wear school uniform?"

Another teenager appeared in Ye Li's eyes.

This young man is good-looking. He seems to have a high talent. He is a sixth level evolutor, and is a higher level than Lu Qingxue.

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