Yang Feng swallowed his saliva. He was like falling into an ice cave. He thought that he had caused some monsters.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water. He glances at the students lightly.

"Are you afraid?"

Ye Li then said, "never feel afraid, just because everything I do will make you afraid for three days and three nights."

The students were shocked again. They only felt that it was too aggressive to say such words from Ye Li's mouth.

Suddenly, the dean of Tianxing college and a number of high-level evolutors all came to Ye Li's eyes.

Tian bieyun, the dean of Tianxing college, stares at Ye Li coldly.

"Who are you? How dare you come to Tianxing college to be wild?"

Leaf from a smile, "small star college, I want to come, want to leave."

Tian bieyun is surprised, where can think of Ye Li actually dare to say such words.

"Lizi maniac...!"

Before Tian bieyun's words were finished, he could not speak any more because a big knife had already reached his throat.

Of course, this knife is dragon butcher's knife!

"This, this, this..."

All the people present took a breath. They couldn't believe it was true.

What's more, Ye Li's knife in his hand made them more frightened than ever.

If you just look at this knife, you can feel a sudden shock.

"Why, do you think my demon king Ye Li is arrogant?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The devil, the devil, Ye Li!!!

Hearing this, all the people in Tianxing college were so shocked that they would not even think that the young man in front of them would be the devil Ye Li.

"Are you the devil Ye Li?" Tian bieyun's eyes widened.

"What do you think?" Leaf leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of evil charm smile.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were the Demon Lord Ye Li. If I knew you were the Demon Lord Ye Li, give me ten courage and I would not dare to do so."

Tian bieyun knows that if ye Li, the demon king, wants to kill him, it is a blink of an eye.

"Ye Li, the demon king, please come!"

At this time, a peerless woman suddenly appeared in the air, the woman stepped on the fairy sword, and the beauty reached the extreme.

"The fourth general!" A teacher of Star College was shocked.

The fourth general of the headquarters of wuzhe alliance, named Li Yanlu, is a third-order surpasser, with unique weapons and swords!

Ye Li is a little puzzled. The dark palace can control his whereabouts, and the alliance of warriors can also control his whereabouts. How do they control it.

"Go and tell your allies that I cannot leave."

Ye Li thinks that if you ask me to go, I will go. It's not too shameless.

Li Yanlu frowned, "you..."

Her words have not finished, Ye Li then interrupted her words.

"For a beautiful person like you, frown, many people should feel heartache. It's a pity that Ye Li is not afraid of the dark and you frown." Ye Li said frankly.

Li Yan Lu smelled speech and looked at Ye Li coldly, "Ye Li, do you want to go or not?"

"Alas Ye Li sighed.

"It turns out that not only do you like to frown, but you are also deaf. Are you afraid that you can't get married?" Ye Li you you said.

"You want to die!"

Li Yanlu was furious. As the fourth general of the wuzhe alliance headquarters, when was he humiliated.


A terrible sword light rushed towards Ye Li.

Li Yanlu is a third-order surpasser, and Ye Li is now a first-class surpasser. There was a lot of difference in strength. It's a pity that he has reached the sixth level in the archaic code of heavenly demons.

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