After entering the zombie forest, Ye Li releases the last legion from the system space.

He took a look at the zombie forest with Tianling Tong. There are so many zombies in the zombie forest!

Ye Li is not in a hurry to let the last legion gather zombies. He thinks for a moment and decides to cultivate ADA and Hongye first.

Since an earth shaking war will break out soon, if the last legion is trained with so many zombies, it will not be able to synthesize super zombies.

There are too many zombies in this zombie forest. He doesn't need to let the last army gather zombies. There are zombies everywhere.

Immediately, Ye Li with the eschatological Legion began a startling synthesis.

He spent three days and nights in the zombie forest, and he finally made up the last zombie.

At present, ADA is a zombie of ten orders, and Hongye is also a zombie of ten orders.

At present, Ye Li is enough to walk horizontally in the northern boundary.


"As the host synthesizes many zombies, congratulations on the host's breakthrough to the second transcendent."

"Congratulations to the host for getting a super treasure chest. Would you like to open it?"


Ye Li did not hesitate.

"Congratulations to the host for skill synthesis."

Skill synthesis: all skills can be combined and used together. It is powerful enough to destroy the heaven and earth.

Ye Li was stunned. He thought about the fire Sabre technique, the archaic devil king's chop, the Tianmo Badao Jue, the God demon ghost sword cross cut, and the heaven level skill, the God devil heaven boxing combined, and then made the attack words

He couldn't imagine what it would be like!

"Congratulations to the host for a lucky draw."

The sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind again.

Ye Li thought that this luck came, just like eating xuanmai gum. He couldn't stop at all. The golden fingers came one after another, which made the thief ridiculous.

The virtual pointer in my mind starts to turn in the wheel and stops after a few seconds.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring zombie skill, 3000 ghost crying fist, and frozen for nine days!"

Three thousand ghost crying fist?

Frozen for nine days?

Ye Limian's face looks like jade. It's just for ADA and Hongye.

Therefore, this man must do good things. Good people will deceive the heaven, but evil people will not be afraid of heaven.

He took a look at three thousand crying fists and nine frozen days.

Discovery is all land level skills!

Without much thought, Ye Li and 3000 ghost crying fist were integrated into a Da's body, and the frozen nine days were integrated into Hongye's body.

It's also time to get out.

Ye Li put the last legion into the system space and walked out of the zombie forest.

Li Yan Lu was walking back and forth in the forest of zombies. His white face was very worried.

"My Lord, he is coming out!" The seventh order of evolution exclaimed.

Li Yan Lu looks at Ye Li in a hurry and finds that Ye Li is safe and sound. After she comes out, she takes a breath.

"Demon king Ye Li, what's the matter?"

Looking at Li Li's trial.

"No way." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Li Yan Lu was stunned when she heard the speech. She didn't understand what ye Li meant.

"What do you mean?" Li Yan Lu looks at Ye Li in doubt.

"Come on, let's go back to the warlords." Ye Li said faintly.

Immediately, ye libian and Li Yanlu went to the direction of the alliance of warriors.

Before the wuzhe alliance, Ye Li always felt a little flustered in his heart. He never had such a feeling.

He just got over the cloud top school palace.

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