Ye Li looked at the early sun on the side of the mountain. He laughed to himself.

He looks at his attribute panel:

"host: Ye Li."

"System: Super synthetic system."

"Weapon: Taigu Longyuan sword."

"Realm: the transcendent of the seventh order."

"Skill: sky level skill [divine devil dominating heaven fist] heaven level skill [annihilation finger]"

"zombie: the last legion."

Ye Li thinks that the realm is still lower, so he has to continue to practice, but before that, he has to synthesize zombies.

Because the last legion has arrived with zombies.

Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps to a city.

It's zombies all over the city again. The number of zombies this time is really too many. Fortunately, Ye Li has a batch synthesis. Otherwise, I don't know how much time it will take.

A Da: 10th level zombie, Hongye: 10th level zombie, white doll: 7th level zombie, Yutong: 7th level zombie, a7: 6th level zombie, gunv: 6th level zombie, Longyu: 6th level zombie, moyou: 6th level zombie.

Mo you is the queen of zombies. Ye Li gave her the name not long ago.


"Congratulations to the host for the chance of zombie fusion."

The opportunity of zombie fusion was obtained before, when he was in Annam base city.

He gave ADA the eight hammers of the white lotus religion.

Now I've got

Ye Li thought for a moment, or to merge the eighteen bronze armor corpses of the claws.

The total feeling is that the effect of the 18 bronze armor corpses with sharp claws is not very great.

Immediately, Ye Li fused the eighteen bronze armor corpse with ADA.

"Zombie fusion begins:

" 10% 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"The integration is complete, and ADA is upgraded to a level 1 zombie."

Above the patriarchal zombie, there is the Zun zombie.

The northern boundary is so weak that there is no serious zombie at all.

The world is too big. Ye Li knows that his strength is very strong in the north, but it is not worth mentioning in the whole world.

Ye Li thinks whether he should get a heaven level skill for every zombie of the last legion?

Now the zombie skills are so rubbish that they don't have much use at all.

He had not thought about it before.

He opened the integral mall in his mind, and now his points have been sent to an amazing situation.

We found zombie skill fusion.

Ye Li didn't look at how many points he bought directly.

Next, he began to integrate the zombie skills of the last legion.

If he can't integrate the sky level skills, he will buy the earth level skills in the points mall. There is no way. There is no special sky level skill for zombies in the points mall.

Finally, each zombie of the last legion has its own sky level skills.

Da: real fire boxing.

Red leaf: burning sky cold.

White doll: the devil's foot.

Yutong: Datian petrochemical.

Seven: cangyun thirteen ghost sword.

Gu Nu: swallow the sky magic skill.

Long Yu: the secret of the gun.

Mo you: the fist of killing the sky.

Every zombie has his own sky level skill. Ye Li is very satisfied. He doesn't care how much points he spends.


Leaves from a cold smile, it is time to find the field.

Immediately, Ye Li put the last legion into the system space, urging God to walk a hundred steps and disappear in place.

Before he arrived at the wuzhe alliance, he actually saw Li Yanlu fighting with several second-class surpassers in a small city.

Although Li Yanlu is a third-order surpasser, he is obviously unable to cope with the five fifth order surpassers.

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