Xia Houjie swallowed his saliva. He looked at Ye Li and said, "Lord demon, Xiao Hui, Yunman, Su xun'er and Lu Qian have been captured by the dark palace."

Leaf from smell speech facial expression instant cold, that day the undead clan also grasps to walk through four female.

But the end of the undead!

"Temple of darkness!" Leaves open from cold.

"Lord demon, the strength of the dark palace is stronger than us. The Lord of the northern kingdom is a first-class dark race. You see..." Xia Houjie looks at Ye Li tentatively.

"Where is the temple of darkness." Ye Li looks at Xia Houjie.

Xia Houjie was surprised, "Lord devil, you are..."

"I ask, where is the temple of darkness?"

Xia Houjie knows that if you don't tell Ye Li the location of the dark palace, the consequences will be very serious.

Xiadianjie had no choice but to tell the location of the dark.

Ye Li knows the location of the dark palace, and urges God to walk a hundred steps and disappear in place.

"Alliance leader!" Li Yanlu looks at Xia Houjie.

Xia Houjie had no choice but to smile bitterly, "Yan Lu, we have no way to stop him."

Li Yan Road secretly biting silver teeth, dead in front, where there is a little leaf from the figure.


Dead hills!

On the north side of the mountain, it is the biggest forbidden area of life.

This is the dark palace, which controls all the dark races in the north.

Leaves left to the dead hill in the middle of the sky, looking at the dark castle below, bursts of evil breath constantly hit.


A sound came into Ye Li's ear.

"Ye Li, the demon king, you are here at last."

Yinluo, a dark race appeared in front of Ye Li.

Ye Li, the dark race, met once. That day in Cloud City, he fought with Lei Gang, the fifth war general, and the dark race appeared.

This is a dark race of the second order patriarchal level. Now, in front of Ye Li, he is really weak.

"Demon Ye Li, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Heiling."

The dark race of the second level clan is very proud of Ye Li.

"You are dead." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Heiling was surprised. He looked at Ye Li with fright. He was ready to speak. But before he could speak, he would never have a chance to speak.


A cold light appeared, Heiling said goodbye to the world forever.

Until he died, Heiling couldn't believe that he died like this.

"Ye Li, the demon king, need to be so angry?"

Another dark race appeared in front of Ye Li.

This dark race is a fourth order dark race.

"Ye Li, the demon king, please."

The fourth level patriarchal dark race did not say much and made a gesture of please to Ye Li.

Ye Li followed the fourth order dark race to the hall of darkness.

In the hall, the smell of evil is more obvious.

On both sides sat powerful dark races, and above the throne sat three dark races.

On the left and right are first-class dark races.

But in the middle, it is a dark race of three ranks.

At present, Ye Li can not defeat such strength in any case.

But if the four girls are caught, he is still Ye Li.

"Ye Li, the demon king, my friend, I am the Lord of the dark palace in the northern boundary. I'm glad to meet you." The hall Master said slowly to Ye Li.

"And they?" Ye Li stares at the hall master.

The Lord of the hall is a dark race of the third level, which is too terrifying.

"We're not interested in taking them, we just want you to come to the dark palace."

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