
Shi Yuan said coldly that he had been to the white lotus sect for three years, and now he finally had the whereabouts of the Dragon butcher's knife. How could he let go of it.

Immediately, Shiyuan, Baishan and the four elder guardians began to chase.

Ye Li originally wanted to change the city, but now it seems that he has to go to Annan base city.

God walk a hundred steps, the speed is very fast.

Ye Li feels that the wind is hanging on his feet, not to mention the daily line of ten thousand is not much.

But to the disappointment of Ye Li, the effect of the God walking a hundred steps has disappeared.

Just now he was running around, and now he doesn't know where it is.

He looked behind him and found that Shi Yuan did not catch up with them. He thought that they were gods and did not know where they were.

Ye Li walked forward, and before long, he saw four big characters.

Zombie paradise!

Seeing these four characters, Ye Li understood that he had come to the zombie paradise in Annam base city.

"Go ahead and hide." Ye Li thought in his heart.

Immediately, the leaves left the past.

Zombie park is similar to the zoo, the only difference is that there are zombies in zombie paradise.

It is divided into ordinary zombies and high-level zombies. Level 1-10 are kept in different places.

After entering the zombie paradise, Ye Li was stopped by a staff member.

"Do you have tickets?"

Ye Li was stunned, and his heart said that he still needed tickets?

The point is, he has no money.

These are all in the end of the world. They are still in circulation. It's a headache.

"I don't have tickets." Ye Li replied truthfully.

"Want to go in without tickets?" The staff looked at Ye Li with disdain.

"You are a pauper like you. Is zombie paradise a place for you poor people to enter?" The staff even more unscrupulously mocked Ye Li.

Leaf from secretly smile, the heart says where can meet dog eye to see a person low thing.

Do you want to give him a golden wind without moving the cicada's foresight, and secretly plot against impermanence?

At this time, I saw an acquaintance leaving.

No one else, it's Yunfeng.

Yunfeng is here to hunt zombies in zombie paradise, with several teenagers around him.

Ye Li has not called cloud wind, cloud wind saw him.

Cloud wind startled to look at Ye Li, he quickly blinked his eyes, only feel that he is wrong.

"Master, why are you here?"

Yunfeng hurriedly walked past. He thought that his elder sister called Ye Li all called her elder, and Ye Li was his father's savior. If he still called him by his name, he would not be able to do so.

"Just come by and have a look." Ye Li said slowly.

The staff was surprised, but Yunshao called him an elder?

That, that, that

That is to say, he was laughing at Yunshao's predecessors as a pauper?

Yunmu, the father of Yunshao, is one of the top ten strongmen in Annam base city, and also the core of power.

The highest authority of Annam base city is Annam parliament, and the ten core members of Annam base city are composed of ten strong men of Annan base city.

Thinking of this, the staff member flopped on his knees.

"My Lord, I was a little bit blind just now. Please do me a favor." The staff kept kowtowing to the leaves.

To offend Yunshao's predecessors is to offend Yunshao. If you lose your job, you will lose your life.

"Master, what's going on?" Cloud little don't understand looking at Ye Li asked.

"Maybe he was tired and wanted to kneel down and rest." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

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