
Luo Yue's eyes turned red, only because in this short moment, the whole fire organization was destroyed.

And it was the ten dark races of the ninth order that led to all this.

At this time, Luoli also came out.

"You You. "

Luo Li was only ten years old. Looking at the miserable scene in front of him, he cried out directly.

"I'll fight with you!"

Luo Yue knew that she couldn't live, so she rushed to ten nine level dark races.

What Luo Yue didn't expect was that these dark races didn't mean to kill her, but knocked her and Luoli unconscious, and then left the fire organization.


East of the wilderness, Skyhawks are destroyed.

The powerful dark race took two women, one named Ziqiong and the other Ling Fei.

Ziqiong is the person Ye Li met in the ruins of the wilderness.

As for Lingfei, he is the guard captain of Tianying base, and Ye Li also have some intersection.

In order to be able to leave the hall of darkness.


Ye Li has been practicing on the seventh floor of Haotian tower.

For a month, he has become a transcendent of the eighth order.


"Congratulations on your host's chance to win a random draw. Would you like to ask if the host is using it?"

The sound of the system appears in Ye Li's mind.

"Use." Ye Li did not hesitate.

The virtual pointer starts to rotate rapidly in the wheel and stops after a few seconds.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the earth level skill, Jingtian sword Jue."

Jingtian sword formula: the earth level skill can break through the sky after upgrading to the sky level.

Ye Li thought that finally had a sword formula, good.

"Can you tell me if the host cultivates the magic formula of Jingtian sword?"


"Start to cultivate Jingtian sword formula:

" 10% 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"Jing Tian Jian Jue was successfully cultivated."

Ye Li thinks that he has been in Haotian tower for a month and doesn't know what's going on outside.

Later, Ye Li came out of the Taigu Longyuan sword.

What ye Li doesn't know is that the big districts in Wucheng, the northern border, have already exploded.

Since this month, the dark palace has been shouting to the demon king Ye Li.

Said that the demon leaf leaves in the wilderness area woman, already arrived in their hand, lets the demon leaf leave to the dark palace to lead the person.

Xia Houjie, the leader of the alliance of warriors, is even more angry. He denounces the dark palace and only uses women as an article.

Now Wucheng has gathered countless gene warriors, countless troops and heavy weapons.

Why is the dark hall very powerful, but why can't it destroy the warlord alliance?

Because of the tens of millions of troops and countless heavy weapons!

Xia Houjie has already called out the dark palace. If the dark palace does not let people go, it will attack the dead hill mountain.

But you have a good plan. I have a ladder.

The number of dark races and Zombies gathered around the dead hill is unknown.

If it is a fight, the best outcome is to lose both sides!

Ye Li was preparing to return to the warrior alliance when he heard the conversation between two men hunting.

"The devil leaves from has not appeared, can't be afraid to appear?"

"I don't think I dare to show up. It's a dark palace. What's a woman? If she's gone, she'll be dead."

Suddenly, a teenager appeared in front of the two men.

Youth is Ye Li, Ye Li looks at two men.

"Tell me everything you know!"

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