The hall master gave a cold smile, and he shook his head.

"No, no, no, Ye Li, the devil. If you let them go, what can you do if you run away again?"

Ye Li hears the words and laughs indifferently.

"You dark race always claim to be the most noble race in the world. It's a pity that you are all afraid of this when I'm here."

The Lord of the hall looks cold when he hears the speech. He stares at Ye Li.

"Ye Li, the demon king, do you say that I am afraid of you in the dark palace?"

"Isn't it? It's understandable that you used women to lead me here. But now that Ye Li has come to the dark palace, you are still afraid. Isn't this afraid of me Ye Li?"

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face issued disdain extremely smile.

On the hall of the dark race, the generals looked at Ye Li's smile and were all angry. They were incomparable noble blood.

"Ye Li, the demon king, do you know that the method of arousal is useless to me?" The hall master stares at Ye Li and says.

"Naturally, I know that it's no use for you. You're a third level dark race, and you're afraid of my eighth level surpasser. What can I do?"

The main hall master hears speech biting his teeth. He has never been looked down upon since he was born. Moreover, the person who despises him this time is not only weaker than him, but also a human being. How can he tolerate it.

"Hall master, the alliance of warriors and the army are getting closer and closer to the dead hill mountain!"

At this time, a ten level general said to the main hall.

However, the hall master laughed, "these stupid human beings always think that they can destroy my dark palace. It's ridiculous."

"Ye Li, the demon king, after repeated consideration, I can release them. Don't you want to stimulate me? The dark palace will never be afraid of any human beings."

When the voice dropped, the hall master asked people to bring them over.

Before long, Luoyue, Luoli, Ziqiong and Lingfei all appeared in front of Ye Li.


All four women did not expect that they would see Ye Li at this time.

Before coming to the league, Ye Li has already made an agreement with Li Yanlu and asked her to meet the four girls.

"You go down the mountain first, and someone will take care of you." Ye Li said to the four girls.

Immediately, Luoyue, Luoli, Ziqiong and Lingfei walked out of the dark palace.

"Ye Li, the demon king, now that your woman has been saved, should you join me in the dark palace and accept the baptism of the God of darkness?" The hall master looks at Ye Li.

Leaf from a smile, "can."

As soon as this word came out, all the people in the hall were a little bit stunned. They could never have imagined that Ye Li would agree so readily.

"Ye Li, the demon king, what you said is true?" The hall master looked at Ye Li with consternation.

"False, of course." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Quiet, dead silence!

All the generals in the hall of darkness were a little stunned. They didn't think Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Ye Li, the demon king, do you really think I dare not kill you?" The hall master stares at Ye Li angrily.

"You can try it!" Ye Li also stares at the main hall.

"Leave the dark pool with the devil's leaf!" The hall master roared.

Immediately, a ten level clan level war general began to leave the dark pool with leaves.

Before long, Ye Li went to the dark pool.

"Ye Li, the demon king, go down!" The ten level sect war general spoke coldly.

"Do you think I'll listen to you?" Ye Li looks at the ten level sect level general lightly.

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