Ye Li bought a suit of clothes.

As the saying goes, people depend on clothes and Buddha depends on gold clothes! After wearing it, you will be much more handsome.

Immediately, Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in place.

The woman shopping guide was so stupid that she clearly saw the demon king talent in front of her eyes. How could she suddenly disappear?

When ye Li appeared again, he was outside the alliance of warriors.

Several members of the Martial Arts Alliance saw Ye Li walking slowly. They were all surprised and quickly rubbed their eyes. However, no matter how they rubbed them, they found that they were not wrong at all.

"Lord devil, you You are awake. " A sixth order evolutor looked at Ye Li and said.

Leaf from nodded, no more words, he continued to walk toward the inside.

At this time, a gene warrior ran in to report the news.

Before Ye Li entered the hall, Xia Houjie, the leader of wuzhe alliance, took people out to meet him.

"Lord devil." Xia Houjie called to Ye Li.

"And they." Ye Li asked.

Xia Houjie is so smart that he naturally knows what ye Li means.

"Lord devil, I will take you to meet them."

Immediately, Xia Houjie took Ye Li to a place.

Before long, Ye Li met Xiao Hui, Yun man, Su xun'er, Lu Qian, Qian Ruxue, Lu Qingxue, Luoyue, Luoli, Ziqiong, Ling Fei, and Li Yanlu.


Xiaohui saw Ye Li appear in front of her, happy to some can not find north.

"Master." Luo Yue is also excited.

All in all, they were excited.

Ye Li has been in the wuzhe League for more than ten days.

Then he found a secluded place, entered the seventh floor of Haotian tower in Taigu Longyuan sword and began to practice.

A month passed.

Ye Li finally became a first-class natural selection.

The strength of the chosen by heaven and the surpasser are not of the same level at all.

Immediately, he came out from the seventh floor of Haotian tower.

At this time, a woman appeared in front of her.

This woman's appearance can be described with the charm of the country. Anyway, Ye Li has never seen such a beautiful woman.

It seems that this woman's age and Ye Li are equal, but her strength is the fifth level surpasser. Ye Li is a bit shocked.

Across the world, he was stunned for the first time.

At his age of about the same age, he was able to reach the level of the fifth level surpasser. Is there such a genius in the world?


Ye Li thinks that at such a level, life expectancy is very long. He thinks that the woman should be very old, but it just looks like his age.

"What are you looking at?"

The woman is aware that Ye Li is looking at her, and she reaches Ye Li's body in front of her and stares at Ye Li coldly.

Ye Li laughed and said, "naturally, it's to see you. A beautiful woman like you appears in front of me. Isn't it for people to see?"

The woman is stunned. She looks at Ye Li and finds that Ye Li is really beautiful. At least she has never seen such a beautiful man as Ye Li.


The world has always been the respect of strength. It is useless to look good.

The woman can't see through the realm of Ye Li. She has already regarded Ye Li as a waste in her heart.

"Hum! Do you believe you're going to die The woman stares at leaf to leave cold voice to drink a way.

Ye Li is a little bit stuck, thinking in his heart what's wrong with this year. It doesn't offend you. Isn't it praising your beautiful appearance.

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