Black market auctioneers are stepping back three steps, their eyes full of fear.

"How could that be possible?"

They did not see the leaves from the hand, until now they finally understand that Tang qiujie has caused a supreme existence.

Ye Li looked at Tang Qiu, who was still screaming like a pig. He opened his mouth slowly: "never use your finger at my head. I once swore that I would never let people point at my head again."

Finish saying, leaf leaves walk toward auction table slowly.

Although Gao Ling is a little unclear, she still chooses to follow up.

Ye Li looked at the auctioneer faintly and said, "I bought this thousand jin Star iron. Do you have any problem?"

The auctioneer has already scared three souls out of two, seven spirits out of six, where dare to refuse Ye Li's words.

"Good, good!"

Immediately, Ye Li put the thousand jin Star iron into the system space.

Seeing this, Hei is the auction house's many gene warriors are surprised, they really don't understand why the thousand jin Star iron suddenly disappeared.

"Pay." Ye Li looks at Gao Ling.

Gao Ling was stunned when he heard the speech, "ah?"

Ye Li did not pay attention to Gao Ling, but walked away slowly.

Gao Ling looks at Ye Li's back, some indignant get up, then she takes out the last life card to pay money, hastily follows up.

Ye Li found a quiet place, and then prepared to study the star iron.

By the way

Ye Li suddenly thinks that he has extraction technique, which he used to extract the corpse crystal inside the zombie for Tun Tiangou Xiaohei, and bought it in the integral mall.

He is going to try the extraction technique to extract the sword spirit from the thousand jin Star iron.

"Bring it up!"

As expected, ye did not leave what he had expected. He took out the spirit of the star stone, and then he threw the star iron on the ground.

"Vice patriarch, I spent more than eight million yuan on the star iron. Why did you throw it away?" Gao Ling looks at Ye Li with consternation.

"You don't see anything?" Ye Li said.

Gao Ling looked around and found nothing, "what do you see?"

Ye Li didn't continue to pay attention to Gao Ling, but Gao Ling couldn't see the sword spirit extracted from the thousand jin Star iron.


"Xuanyuan sword spirit is detected. The host can synthesize Xuanyuan sword spirit and its body."

Ye Li's face is wonderful. He feels a little speechless about his own luck. Isn't he going to an auction to find the spirit of Xuanyuan sword?

Without much thought, he combined the spirit and Xuanyuan sword!


"Synthesis start:

" 10%... " 30%… 60%… 100%。”

"Xuanyuan sword spirit and body were successfully synthesized."

All of a sudden, leaves from the original rusty Xuanyuan sword in the system space, instantly become dazzling.

A golden sword appears in the system space!

This is the complete Xuanyuan sword!!!

Ye Li smiles to himself. Xuanyuan sword is his fourth artifact.

However, he had to wait until the test of triggering Xuanyuan sword was finished, and then he integrated Xuanyuan sword into Taigu Longyuan sword. At that time, the power of Taigu Longyuan sword

Ye Li has some dare not think.

And all this, Gao Ling no doubt is all don't know.

"Let's go." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Gao Ling looked at Ye Li and didn't mean to pick up the thousand jin Star iron on the ground. She could not help but get angry on her white face.

"Vice Lord, are you ready to give up the star iron?" Gao Ling stares at Ye Li and says.

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