Leaves from the light looking at Tang Shu's face shocked.

"As I said, you are just a frog in the bottom of a well. Why don't you believe it?"

Although Gao Ling knows that Ye Li is very strong, she can see this, and her white face is still shocked.

By the way!!!

She suddenly felt that she was too stupid. How could her memory become so poor?

When she was still in the northern boundary, she saw Ye Li for the first time. As a fifth level transcendent, she could not do any harm to Ye Li, let alone Tang Shu, a ten level evolutor.

"Come here and let me kill you." Looking at the Tang leaves.

Tang Shu smell speech to return to God, he cold looking at leaves.

"Ye Li, don't think you have some strength, you can face my whole Tang family!" The Tang tree opened its mouth coldly.

"I say it again. Come and let me kill you. Don't let me say it again." Ye Li looks at the Tang tree.

As the three elders of the Tang family, Tang Shu has never met such a arrogant person as Ye Li.

"Give it to me!"

With Tang Shu's command, the Tang family gene warrior began to rush to leave.

Ye Li shakes his head and looks at the gene warrior who rushes in. He really can't understand why these people want to die. Isn't it good to live?

All of a sudden, Taigu Longyuan sword appeared in his hand. He held up Taigu Longyuan sword and spoke faintly:

"I have a sword, and I will cut the world!"

Sound down, sword down!

The strength of this sword is so terrible that it can't be increased.

"Ah! Ah! Ah

All the gene warriors of the Tang family fell to the ground. They looked very different, but there was one thing on their faces. They were all the same, that is, their eyes were wide open. It seemed that they could not believe that they died like this.

Quiet, dead silence!

At this time, no one dares to speak, their whole body is shaking, because such a sword is so terrible that their souls are shaking wildly.


Tang Shu kneels on the ground, his eyes are blank, his face is as dead as ashes, he does not want to kneel for Ye Li, but his whole body strength seems to be drained by something, so he can't help but kneel down to Ye Li.

"This, this!"

Tang Shu looked at Ye Li in horror, and he began to regret it. If he could do it again, he would rather live ten years less than appear in front of Ye Li.

"Now do you admit that you are a frog at the bottom of a well?" Looking at the Tang leaves.

"I, I, I..."

Where can Tang Shu say a word.

"Answer Ye Li cheered.

Tang Shu listens to Ye Li's voice, frightens the whole body an excited spirit, looks at Ye Li in horror unceasingly.

"I admit, I'm a frog in the well."

Don't say that Tang Shu said some cruel words to Ye Li at this time. His voice was shaking violently.

Leaf from indifferent smile, "so, what do you think your end will be?"

Hearing this, Tang Shu could not help but be shocked. After a few seconds, he actually begged for mercy from Ye Li, without any arrogance at the beginning.

"Wuwu, Ye Li, it's me who is not good, it's me who should die, and I have eyes and can't understand Mount Tai! You just think I'm a fart and let me go. "

All the onlookers were shocked. The three elders of the Tang family knelt down to beg for mercy. I'm afraid no one will believe it. It's very interesting.

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