Before Ye Li said anything, a peak master got up from his seat angrily, looked at Ye Li, and then yelled at Ye Li:

"Ye Li, I'm afraid you come to Jianzong for Xuanyuan sword

"Mo Shan, don't talk nonsense!"

Gao Feng scolded Mo Shan.

Mo mountain is a peak master of the top ten peaks of Jianzong. He is known as the master of fire sword. His strength is the first-class natural selection.

"Patriarch, have you not seen Ye Li's face clearly? He can control the zombie. Do you not know what this means?"

"In this world, only the dark race can control zombies, and Ye Li can control such high-level zombies. I'm afraid it's the people in the dark palace."

"The battle of sword city is just a play played by Ye Li!"

There is no reason to say it.

As soon as this word came out, not only the other nine peak masters, but also Gao Feng was silent.

Ye Li smiles to himself. He thinks that Mo Shan's imagination is too rich. Why don't you be a detective.


Suddenly, a fire appeared, a fire sword against the neck of leaves.

This sword is the fire sword of Mo mountain.

"Ye Li, if you don't return Xuanyuan sword back to the sword cave today, what will happen? I don't think you should know it." Mo Shan said coldly staring at Ye Li.

"You know, I hate people pointing their swords at me most." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Mo Shan sneered, "is it? But I'm pointing my sword at you now. What can you do? "

In Mo Shan's opinion, they have so many people. Ye Li has no way to heaven and no door to the earth!

"Can you believe it? I'll show you your body." When saying this, Ye Li's face can't see the slightest fluctuation.

Mo Shan was very angry when he heard the speech. He yelled at Ye Li: "Ye Li, you don't know that you're dying. Don't think I don't know you're a person from the dark palace!"

"Say it! Are you a man of the dark palace? "

Ye Li said with a frank smile, "since you think my Ye Li is a person of the dark palace, I am a person of the dark palace. Just because what people like you say is not much different from that of patients with advanced cancer."

When Mo Shan heard this, he was very angry. He was very angry.

"Mo Shan, we'd better not jump to a conclusion before things are clear." Gao Feng said to Mo Shan.

"Suzerain, the matter is clear, and he has admitted that he is a man of the dark palace."

After saying that, Mo Shan said to Ye Li coldly: "Ye Li, I could have let you die, but you don't cherish such an opportunity."

"Goodbye, Ye Li!"

With that, Mo Shan is ready to start!

In China, Ye Li often saw a saying in martial arts novels that the world's martial arts are invincible, but fast.

Ye Li is the second level of Taigu Longyuan sword embryo, the first level of Tian Xuan.

To compare speed, Mo Shan is really a small wizard in front of Ye Li.

In the moment of Mo Shan's hand, Ye Li also made a hand.

Speed, of course, is much faster than Mount mo.

Mo Shan opened his eyes, only because ye Li's sword had pierced his throat. He never dreamed that Ye Li's speed was so fast.

"I said, you'll see your body, won't you?" Leaves from the light mouth.

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