"Brother and sister?"

Yuezhu naturally does not know who Ye Li's brother and sister are.

"You'll find out later." Ye Li said slowly.

Then, Ye Li looks at the moon bamboo's body, he also forgets that the clothes on the moon bamboo's body are dirty clothes.

After opening the points mall, Ye Li found a suit of clothes suitable for Yuezhu.

Bleeding Lori dress: Zombie clothes, after wearing, sprout point + 10, price 10000 points.

Ye Li's current points are too much, he did not hesitate to buy this set of bleeding Lori skirt.

After putting the bleeding Lori skirt in the synthetic grid for Yuezhu.

Moon bamboo moment It's glowing.

Don't say it's Gao Ling. Even Ye Li can't look directly at it.

It's so cute, it's so cute!!!

Ye Li dares to swear that from birth to now, Yuezhu is one of the most cute little Lori he has ever seen, and the other is Yutong.

And Gao Ling is Leng in the spot directly, white face seems to have solidified.

"Well, this is a little too cute." Gao Ling Zheng Zheng said.

The month bamboo also has some consternation, looks at the leaf to leave to say: "master, I am not very lovely now."

"Well." Ye Li nodded.

Gao Ling tries hard to calm his shocked mood. You should know that Yuezhu is a zombie. A zombie can be so cute. Do you dare to believe it?


Ye Li looked in a direction. He didn't expect that there would be dark race in this small broken city, and the level seemed not to be low.

A few seconds later, the dark race appeared in front of Ye Li.

The species of the dark race, Ye Li knows, is called the dark night race.

Dark night and dark race, but control their own zombies.

When he was in Huangjiang base city, Ye Li met the dark race, and the relationship was quite good.

The level of this dark night dark race is the third level patriarchal dark race.

"My zombie! My zombie

The dark night race roared as if its heart were bleeding.

It's not easy to cultivate a zombie of level 10 Lord level. Now looking at the corpse of level 10 Lord level zombie, how can the dark race of level 3 not be sad.

"Humans, you killed my zombie!" The third level clan level dark race roars at Ye Li and Gao Ling.

"Yes, what can you do?" Ye Li nodded.

"I want your life!" The dark race of the third order sect was furious.

With that, the dark race of the third level sect rushed towards Ye Li and Gao Ling.

Don't mention Ye Li Zai. Even Gao Ling can easily kill this third level clan level dark race. After all, Gao Ling is a fifth level transcendent.

The transcendent and the patriarch are equal!

Ye Li looks at the dark race of the third level sect, and he shakes his head secretly. If the third level dark race sees him and runs away, he won't chase him.

However, the dark race of the third level sect did not run. What can he do.

Ye Li makes a fist at will, which seems to be casual, but its power is so terrible that it can't be enhanced.

This punch, as if the space has been pushed apart in general.

He was shocked to see such a blow. He wanted to stop, but he found that he could not stop.


Ye Li's fist directly brings a sugar gourd to the third level dark race.

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