A few days later, the last legion led the army of zombies into sword city.

Outside the sword hall.

Gao Ling and Ye Li stand together.

"Vice Lord, there are millions of zombies outside sword city. How did you do that?" Gao Ling looks at Ye Li curiously.

Ye Li faintly smiles, "because I am the devil, Ye Li."

Gao Ling is stunned. This answer is not equivalent to no answer.

"Come with me outside the sword city." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Gao Ling nodded. Of course, she was willing to leave with Ye, not to mention outside the sword city. She was willing to leave with Ye anywhere.

Immediately, Ye Li and Gao Ling went outside the sword city.

At this time, the outside of the sword city is full of zombies, like the top of the dark cloud, which makes people feel numb.

Even Gao Ling, the eldest lady of Jianzong, has never seen so many zombies.

Suddenly, the eight great zombies of the last legion came in the air.


The eight Grand zombies respectfully called to Ye Li.

Ye Li nodded, and then said, "there is a new member of the Last Legion to introduce to you."

Immediately, Ye Li released the moon bamboo from the system space.

Our xiaoyuezhu looked at the Last Legion in front of us, but she was scared to step back. Her lovely face was full of fright.

This is the oppression from the zombie hierarchy.

Yuezhu is now just a first-class zombie. Compared with the eight zombies in the strange legion, Yuezhu is far from the world.

"Don't be afraid. They are your brothers and sisters." Ye Li touched the head of Xiaoyue bamboo and said.

Ye Li introduces Xiao Yuezhu to the corpse of the last legion.

A DA, Hong Ye, Bai WA, Yu Tong, a Qi, Gu Nu, long Yu, Mo you.

Every one of them is a zombie who can take charge of his own affairs.

"What a lovely little sister."

Hongye squats down and pinches xiaoyuezhu's face.

Xiaoyuezhu swallowed his saliva and looked at the red leaf and said, "sister Hongye, you are beautiful."

After that, xiaoyuezhu realized that she seemed to have missed something, so she quickly opened her mouth and said:

"brothers and sisters are very beautiful."

Ye Li's Last Legion, among the eight great zombies, except for white dolls, the rest are beautiful men and women.

White baby this long, although the skin like a baby in general, but the body fat, weighing a scale, no 200 Jin is not much.

"By the way, master, what important thing happened when you suddenly called us back?" A Da looked at Ye Li and said.

As the commander-in-chief of the eschatological legion, ADA plays the most important role in the eschatological Legion.

"So, so, so."

Ye Li told the strange Legion all the things happened these days.

After hearing this, the last legion understood everything.

In fact, in the face of the battle of the strong, the number of zombies has no effect, but if you are fighting with the army, the number of zombies is very useful.

Therefore, Ye Li is prepared to synthesize these millions of zombies outside Jiancheng.

"Do it." Ye Li spoke slowly to the last legion.

Later, the last legion, together with Xiao Yuezhu, began to fight.

Even with mass production, the number of millions of zombies is staggering.

Five days later, Ye Li finally synthesized millions of zombies.

Instead of upgrading the last legion, he combined the millions of zombies with ADA.

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