Gao Feng pondered for a few seconds, and then said to Ye Li, "vice Lord, we can't afford the four utensils hall."

"Yes, vice patriarch. Now Li Qiankun, the master of Tang Lin, has arrived at Tiandao gate. Tiandao gate is not the Tiandao gate of the past few days." A peak Lord also said to Ye Li.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "so you are afraid?"

After he and Tang Lin were both defeated, Gao Feng and Feng Zhu were firm in tone, saying that what soldiers would block the water and cover the earth!

Now the soldiers have not arrived, the future of water, they are scared into this way, which really makes Ye Li feel a little funny.

But ye Li will not blame them, because it is human nature.

Li Qiankun, the master of Gaolin, is known as the master of Qiankun Dao. He is a big meteorite sword, not to mention wasteland. Even Xuandi is also frightening.

High wind and nine peaks are looking at Ye Li, they are waiting for Ye Li's reply.

After a few seconds, Ye Li looked at Gao Feng and the leader of nine peaks and spoke slowly:

"it's a pity that you missed a little bit."

Hearing this, Gao Feng quickly asked, "which point?"

"Did you taste the previous Dao from Tianye

Gao Feng and the nine peaks master, even if they want to break their heads, did not expect Ye Li to say such words.

"Vice Lord, do you mean..."

Gao Feng didn't finish, he looked at Ye Li for a long time.

Leaves from a smile, "wait, then you will know, Li Qiankun's current in front of my demon king Ye Li, but that's it."

Domineering, absolutely domineering.

Gao Feng and Jiuda peak master look at Ye Li, and somehow, they are hot blooded again.

At that time, they were also people who roamed the wasteland, and many people were afraid of their presence.

Later, Ye Li came out of the hall.

The last legion, the eleven women and Gao Ling came.

"Master, is something important happened? We are very powerful now." Xiaohui looked at Ye Li, and said with a smile.

Ye Li Yile, he slowly opened his mouth: "if I tell you, the opponent facing Jianzong will be a super powerful existence?"

This word a, 11 female and Gao Ling all some are stunned.

"Master, who do you mean by the existence of super domineering?" Xiao Hui's lovely little face is puzzled.

"Li Qian Kun." Leaves from a word, slowly open mouth.


Gao Ling took a breath.

Of course, eleven women have never heard of Li Qiankun's name, and they certainly don't know who Li Qiankun is.

"Sister Gao Ling, who is Li Qiankun?" Xiao Hui looks at Gao Ling in doubt.

Gao Ling stabilized his mind, and then began to speak to the eleven girls. She knew everything about Li Qiankun.

The expression on the face of the eleven girls has gone from curiosity to astonishment, and then to a state of shock beyond measure.

"Master, this..."

Eleven women all looked at Ye Li, then their faces all appeared worried color.

"Are you worried about me?" Ye Li said faintly.

Before waiting for eleven girls or Gao Ling to speak, Ye Li spoke again:

"never worry about me, because no one in the world can treat me like Ye Li

The voice dropped, and Taigu Longyuan sword appeared in the hand.

A sword, pointing to the sky!

Suddenly, the supreme sword rushed into the sky, which was astonishing.


An earth shaking sound appeared, the sky has been separated on both sides, giving people a strong visual impact.

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