"Gather all the people of Tiandao Dao Dao!"

Tang Lin spoke coldly. His eyes were red. His beloved disciples were all dead. He wanted revenge Blood hate!

Li Qiankun didn't stop Tang Lin. he was more and more interested in Ye Li. His intuition told him that Ye Li, the demon king, should be a very arrogant person, just like him.

It's a pity that Li Qiankun is qualified to be arrogant, but ye Li, the demon king, has the right to be arrogant in front of him?

When the time comes, but it is a hit, the devil leaves will be killed on the spot.

After a while, all the disciples of Tiandao sect were successfully summoned, led by Li Qiankun, Tang Lin and the ten elders, and tens of thousands of people left for Jianzong.


"Lord, Lord! Tiandao sect is coming to Jianzong, and has sent out all its disciples. " A sword school disciple ran into the hall, panic said.

This word a, Gao Feng and 9 big peak Lord all startle.

Then they calmed their hearts and launched an all-out war with tiandaomen. This was already thought of, and there was nothing to make a fuss about.

They are mainly afraid of Li Qiankun, the master of Qiankun Dao.

Li Qiankun, but the eighth order of heaven elector!!!

Immediately, Gao Feng and the nine peak owners all look at Ye Li, but they find that Ye Li's face has no fluctuation, as if they didn't hear it.

"Vice Lord, what do you think we should do?" A peak Lord looking at Ye Li said.

"They did not leave a faint smile."

Sound fall, leaves from pick up the cup, slowly drink tea.

Gao Feng and Jiuda peak master are shocked. They can't imagine that they are using the strength of suckling. It's this time, Ye Li can still be so calm.

Ye Li's present state is the third level Tianxuan, the third layer of Taigu Longyuan sword. The weapon is the supreme artifact of Taigu Longyuan sword.

However, compared with Li Qiankun, the master of Qiankun Dao, it is definitely one heaven and one underground. After all, this is the gap between the eight level Tianxuan and the third level Tianxuan.

Ye Li has already thought about it, and he will put the last army into his body. Although this will make him fall into a deep sleep, there is no way to do it.

Just then, the sound of the system suddenly appeared in his mind.


"Congratulations to the host for a random lucky draw."

Ye Li did not hesitate to use the lottery opportunity, immediately the virtual pointer in the wheel began to turn up, a few seconds later the pointer stopped.

"Congratulations to the host for a zombie integration immune opportunity."

Zombie integration immune opportunity: zombies can be integrated into the host body without any side effects.

This golden finger

Ye Li doesn't know how to say it. It's so terrible.

At present, his four skills are all anti heaven level skills, plus the eight heaven level skills of the last legion, and Taigu Longyuan sword embryo is the third level.

The most important thing is that ADA is now a fifth level zombie.

Lacking a little bit, they can't beat Li Qiankun. After all, the eight rank Tianxuan is really terrible.

A moment later, a sword school disciple ran into the hall.

"Vice patriarch, tiandaomen, tiandaomen are outside the sword city!" The sword school disciple shivered.

When Gao Feng hears the speech and looks at Ye Li, he finds that Ye Li is still indifferent. He grits his teeth and shouts loudly:

"he is known as all the disciples of Jianzong. Meet Tiandaomen

After that, Gao Ling and eleven women, more than 7000 disciples of Jianzong, were naturally among them. Led by Gao Feng, Ye Li and jiudafeng, they all went to Jiancheng.

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