After Ye Li asked the location of the moon house, he took the moon spirit's hand and urged God to walk a hundred steps outside the moon house.

At this time, the Yue family was in a mess, and many of its children fell to the ground.

There is a lot of blood on the ground. It seems that the children of the Yue family have been beaten hard.

"Yueqian, how are you?"

The month spirit saw the relation is very good month Qian, stepped forward to ask in a hurry.

"Don't touch me!"

Yueqian is not to give the moon face at all, shake off the hand of the moon spirit, toward the moon spirit cold drink way.

"Yueqian, what's the matter with you?" Yueling is a little confused.

Yueqian sneered, "Yueling, if it wasn't for you, we would have suffered this disaster."

Yueling came back from Yunding school, but she didn't see yumenger. Later, yumenger returned to H city and they met.

There was a disagreement, and then something happened.

The children of the Yue family are all looking at Yueling with hatred. How can they say that the Yue family is also a big family in H city. Now they have become this kind of image. In the future, they have to be a man with tail in H city.

"I'm sorry, I can't think of it..."

Yueling was crying. If she knew that yumenger had joined Wuji gate and the little master of Wuji gate liked yumenger, she would never have a conflict with yumenger.

The moon can not finish her words.

"So far, what else can you pretend to have? In the past, you relied on yourself as the first genius of the Yue family. Who do you think highly of Yuejia?" Yueqian stares at the moon Ling and says coldly.

Ye Li listens to such a dialogue, although the moon spirit's original intention is not strange, but sometimes it is. People always like to look down on others.

Just as many people think they can kill Ye Li.

At this time, an injured middle-aged man stepped out quickly.

The middle-aged man is the fifth step surpasser.


Yue Ling saw the middle-aged man, and quickly called to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, named Yuecheng, is the son of yuekun, the master of the Yue family.

Yuecheng quickly walked to the side of Yueling, and said in a low voice to Yueling, "ling'er, you should leave H city and never come back."

The moon spirit hears speech some to be in a daze, she does not understand own father to say such words.

At this time, it is a few months home gene warrior came out.

These gene warriors are all over 60 years old. They are all transcendent and are also elders of the Yue family.

"Let's go!"

Yuecheng drinks to the moon spirit and blocks in front of the moon spirit alone.

Ye Li has not spoken at one side, let alone, the appearance of Yuecheng protecting the spirit of the moon has really touched his heartstrings.

Three months of parents with injuries, they angrily went to Yuecheng's body, Yue's children also stood behind the three elders.

"Yuecheng! Do you want to protect her now? " One of the elders cried out.

"I thought she left the family, she was pretty good, but after she left the family, she did something like that. Her heart is punishable, her heart is punishable!"

Another elder roared.

Something like that?

Refers to of course is the moon Ling rain dream son beat into a pig's head.

"Now as long as the moon spirit is handed over to the rain family, this matter can be solved. Yuecheng, you are also the son of the Yue family. Do you want to see the moon family become what it is now?"

An elder who has a good relationship with Yuecheng says to Yuecheng.

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