A Jianzong disciple ran into the hall of Wuji gate.

"Vice Lord! Vice Lord

The voice of this disciple of the sword sect trembled, as if he had experienced the most terrible thing in history.

"What's the matter?" Ye Li asked.

He can even think of it with his toes. Something must have happened.

"The people of the four utensils hall are in the wasteland. The Lord wants you to go back." Said the disciple, greatly shocked.

When Li Qiankun came to the wasteland, no one knew about it.

It must be Li Qiankun's life card burning. Siqitang has been investigating and finally found the wasteland.

As long as you get to the wasteland, it won't take long to find the sword clan. After all, no one knows about the battle between Jianzong and tiandaomen.


Immediately, Ye Li and the disciple of Jianzong went to Jianzong.

Before long, ye left for the sword hall.

Inside the sword hall, Gao Feng and the nine main peaks have arrived here at this time. Seeing ye Li coming, they get up in a hurry.

"Vice Lord!"

Gao Feng and nine peaks called out to Ye Li.

"Vice patriarch, since Li Qiankun's death, we have had people at the border. Now the people from siqitang have entered the country. It is not clear who is coming."

Gao Feng looks at Ye Li, he goes straight to the theme.

Ye Li thinks that this is really a wave not flat, a wave rise again.

"Vice Lord, what should I do now?" Gao Feng looks at Ye Li.

"Where are they now?" Ye Li asked.

"The virtual city on the border." Gao Feng replied.

Ye Li pondered for a few seconds and said to Gao Feng, "don't worry about this matter. Let me meet them."

Immediately, Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in the sword hall.


Empty city.

It stands at the junction of wasteland and dark land.

It's a small city, and there's no zombie or dark race on the periphery.

Leaves from the virtual city, he will use the spirit of heaven pupil to detect the strong in the virtual city.

Suddenly, he was a little surprised.

"Twelve six step heaven elect!"

Twelve six level celestial electors, this is a kind of terrible power, needless to say also know.

Ye Li walked slowly past, and he must have dealt with this matter well. Otherwise, if the twelve six level Tianxuan went to the sword sect, the consequences would be unimaginable.

This is a restaurant. The clothes in the restaurant are very luxurious.

When ye Li walked into the restaurant, the rest of his eyes looked at the two tables not far away from him. He knew that these twelve people were the twelve sixth level Tianxuan of the four utensils hall.

"I can't believe that the leader of Dao hall will die in this small place of wasteland."

"Yes, who could have thought that there was a great power in the wasteland? He killed all the masters of Qiankun Dao. "

"Well, no matter who he is, he offended me in the four utensils hall, and in an instant he will be broken to pieces!"

The twelve six level Tianxuan of the four utensils hall all talked about it.

"Gentlemen, are you all warriors?" Said a middle-aged man.

A six step sky selector looked at the middle-aged man who spoke and found that the middle-aged man was an ordinary man.

"What can I do for you?" Asked the six step voter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I heard you mentioned the master of Qiankun Dao. I'm afraid you are not from the wasteland. Li Qiankun, the master of Qiankun Dao, was killed by Ye Li, the demon king, several months ago."


The twelve six step Tianxuan were all shocked at the speech.

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