White can smell speech did not continue to speak, where does she have a way.


This man is so terrible that she has never seen such a terrible gene warrior.

Bai Ke thinks Ye Li should be a high-level evolutor.

"My Lord, I only know that the last place where the female zombie in red appears is this mountain. If we are lucky, maybe the female zombie in red is still on the mountain."

Ye Li's face is still calm like water. He urges the heavenly spirit pupil to explore everything in the mountain.

"Oh! Oops

Suddenly, the Zombie's terrible roar came into his ears again.

See more than 60 zombies toward Ye Li and bailing. These zombies are like starving ghosts. It's really frightening to see them.

See this shape, white can quickly look to leave, but found that the face of leaves is still calm like water.

See here, Bai Ke seems to have forgotten the fear, has been unable to use language to describe the shock in her heart.

This man Won't you be afraid?

This is more than 60 zombies!!!


More than 60 zombies melt into nothingness again.

Quiet, dead silence.

Blanco's eyes opened for the biggest time in history, and her mouth was wide open.

She swore that this was the most shocking time she had ever been born.

Just now more than 20 zombies suddenly melted, and now more than 60 are melting again.

You know, this is more than 60 zombies!!!

"So, is this the power of the higher evolutionary?" White can Zheng Zheng Zheng said.


Suddenly, a female zombie in red with hundreds of zombies appeared in front of Ye Li and Bai Ke.

White can look at such a scene, she can't help but pale, she quickly looked to the leaf, she did not believe that the leaf from will not be afraid.

But this time, she froze, she really froze.

She actually saw Ye Li laughing, which was a hundred times more terrifying than calm like water.

She just want to break the head also can't think of, leaf leave why arrive at this moment, still can smile out.

Ye Li looks at the female zombie in red, as expected, this female zombie in red is really Hongye!!!

However, now the red leaf is not the whole red dress, she certainly does not know ye Li.


With a roar of red leaves, hundreds of zombies attack Ye Li fiercely.

Leaves from slowly erect the finger, innumerable road terror such as this white aura flies away.

Hundreds of zombies melt into nothingness again.

Shock, absolute shock!!!

Bai Ke has been speechless. She thought it was the most shocking time since she was born.

But until now, he found that he was not only wrong, but also wrong so thoroughly.

Hongye is just one of the three spirits. Now he is a second-class zombie. Although he has some wisdom, he can't speak.


Red leaves roared and rushed towards the leaves.

Leaves from a faint smile, red leaf or that red leaf ah, temper really hot.

"System, if you capture the remnant soul of red leaf?"

"Host, just put the red leaves in the system space."

Listening to the system, Ye Li nodded.

Immediately, Ye Li stretched out a hand and grasped the red leaf. Where can red leaf respond to such speed.

White can be shocked, she has thought of the red dress female zombie in front of Ye Li is vulnerable, can really see, she or panic.

Then, Ye Li put the red leaves into the system space.

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