Duan Shan hears Ye Li's words, so angry that his eyes are wide open. He looks at Ye Li.

"What did you say, boy?" Duanshan has a cold mouth.

On his face, the jade crown did not fluctuate at all.

"I didn't expect you to be deaf except for your poor strength." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

As soon as this word came out, all the people present were shocked. They just wanted to break their heads and couldn't believe that Ye Li dared to say such a thing.

"You know who he is!" Du Li, the great elder of the outer gate, roars at Ye Li.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head.

Du Li said angrily, "he is the ten elders of the inner gate. He surpasses Duanshan in five steps."

After Ye Li's hand just now, Du Li is not even Ye Li's opponent, but the ten elder is the fifth level surpasser.

But let Du Li in any case also can't think of is, the leaf leaves from the face or there is no fluctuation.

"Just like ants." Ye Li said faintly.


Quiet, dead silence.

All the people in the square opened their eyes wide.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Duan Shan, the ten elder, burst into laughter. He even couldn't straighten up.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Li looks at Duanshan with some incomprehension.

Duanshan looked at Ye Li coldly, "boy, I really admire you. You know you are going to die soon. Why can you be so calm?"

All the people in the square are looking at Ye Li, and they want to see how Ye Li will answer.

It is a pity that they would rather believe that they are going to die soon than think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"With a mole ant like you, you deserve to say something like this with Ye Li?" Ye Li's face is full of ignorance.

"You, you

Duan Shan, the ten elder, is extremely angry. This is his most angry time since he was born. Ye Li says that he has been a mole ant twice. As a ten elder in xuange, how can he tolerate it.

"Ten elder, don't talk nonsense with this boy. Let's go." Du Li looked at Duanshan and said.

Duanshan nodded and looked at Ye Li. He said coldly: "goodbye, boy!"

The sound falls, Duan Shan raises the palm of his hand and shouts at Ye Li: "fire palm!"

All of a sudden, from Duan Shan's palm burst out a group of skyrocketing people, who condensed into a fierce tiger and flew towards Ye Li.

Seeing this, the cloud looked at Ye Li in a hurry, but she found that Ye Li's face was still calm as water.

Cloud has never seen such a person as Ye Li. He thinks Ye Li is a devil, a big devil of the dark race.

Leaf from the light looking at the fire tiger, his hand has more than a sword.

This sword, how to use language to describe its terror?

The sword idea rushes nine days, the square everybody all retrogress three steps, the full face frightens looking at leaf leaves the sword in the hand.

This sword is, of course, Taigu Longyuan sword.


Ye Li holds the Taigu Longyuan sword and cuts it on the fire tiger. The fire tiger disappears without a trace.

How can this be possible!!!

Ten elder Duanshan gaped up, he looked at Ye Li in amazement.

He is to use the strength that sucks milk also can't think of, leaf leave unexpectedly understatement of his fire palm to dissolve.

Duan Shan and Du Li looked at the Taigu Longyuan sword in Ye Li's hand, and their eyes opened a little more, because they had never seen such a terrible weapon.

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