More than a dozen ten level clan level dark race all dead looking at Ye Li.

"Human beings, listen to your meaning, you want to give xuange a head?"

Ye Li gave a faint smile, his face crown like jade did not fluctuate at all. He spoke slowly:

"as I said just now, I will give you one second to disappear, but now you don't want to disappear."

As soon as this was said, more than a dozen dark races became angry.

"Human, I think you are looking for death!" A ten level clan dark race roared.

It's a pity that as soon as the voice of the dark race of the tenth order sect came to an end, he melted into nothingness, leaving no trace of this wonderful world.

"How could that be possible?"

More than a dozen of the dark races of the ten orders were all shocked, and they could not believe it was true.

A dark race of ten orders, and it's gone?

"Man, did you do it?" A clan level dark race can't believe looking at Ye Li.

They didn't see how Ye Li made his move at all.

Ye Li's face suddenly appeared a smile of evil.


In a flash, more than a dozen ten level clan level dark races all cried out. The sound was so terrible that it made people feel numb.

Xiao Teng, Duan Shan and Du Li are staring at the scene in front of them.

They can't imagine the horror of Ye Li, which is really terrible.

But in an instant, more than a dozen clan level dark races all died, and they couldn't believe that they died so lightly.

"Just now I heard them say they belong to the dark mountain. Where is the dark mountain?" Ye Li turns his head and looks at Xiao Teng.

Xiao Teng hears the speech to return to God, he quickly looked at Ye Li and said: "master, dark mountain is the biggest force of dark race in the south of Xuandi."

Ye Li nodded, "so where is the dark mountain?"

Xiao Teng didn't dare to hide anything. He quickly told Ye Li the location of the dark mountain.

Ye Li is stunned. He thinks that a DA is just there?

Is it possible that

Ye Li suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, the super existence in the mouth of those ten level clan level dark race just now is Ada.

Think of here, leaf from the face can not help but very wonderful up.

"By the way, sweet, I'll give it to you, and the cloud."

With that, Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in place, leaving only Xiao Teng a few people stunned in situ.

After a long time, Xiao Teng, Duan Shan and Du Li came back to their senses. If they didn't agree with Ye Li in the square before, now they are really obedient.

More than a dozen ten level clan level dark races have been killed instantly. What do they have to refuse.

Most importantly, Ye Li saved their xuange.

After Ye Li knew the location of the dark mountain, he went all the way to the dark mountain.

"Brother, where are we going now?" Yu Tong is puzzled and looks at Ye Li.

"Go to find ADA." Ye Li said slowly.

As soon as he said this, Hongye, Yutong and Longyu were all very happy.

ADA is the leader of their last legion, and also the most powerful zombie, the fifth rank zombie.

Ye Li with the last army to a ruins of the city, the city behind a strong sense of oppression of the black mountain.

The mountain is the most powerful force south of the dark race dark mountain.

As for the city

It should have been a long time since, but there are a lot of zombies.

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