Xia he also did not expect that Ye Li would appear in front of him.

He clearly remembered Ye Li's terror on the wall outside the west base city.

"grandfather, uncle, do you know him?"

Xia Zhu seems to finally understand something, looking at Xia he asked.

"Xiaozhu, he is the Savior of our west base city."


Xia Zhu is stunned. It's obvious that she didn't expect her grandfather to say such a thing. She didn't understand. She really didn't understand why Ye Li became the Savior of the western base city.

Before she could ask, willow's voice came into her ears.

"It was he who disfigured their faces." Liu Luo pointed to Ye Li and said.

Liu Luo has brought a large group of gene warriors to Ye Li's eyes. These gene warriors are undoubtedly the families of those girls disfigured by Ye Li.

Dozens of gene warriors see leaves, do not look at it does not matter, a look is scared out of their wits.

Liu Luo a Zheng, she looked at dozens of gene warrior quickly panic look, she greatly puzzled.

"What's the matter with you?"

Liu Luo looked at dozens of gene warriors and asked, but where can dozens of gene warriors say a complete sentence at this time? They look at Ye Li in horror.

"Former, elder..."

Dozens of gene warriors began to regret it. They wanted to cry, they really wanted to cry.

Leaf leaves light looking at Liu Luo, "why did I give you a chance, but you don't cherish it?"

Liu Luo's face changed when she heard the speech. Before she could speak, dozens of gene warriors beside her were shocked again.

"Miss Liu, your face?"

"My face?"

Willow Logan didn't feel anything. She touched her cheek, but she found some stabs in her hand.

Suddenly, she realized something and took out a mirror.


This photo, startling screams filled the ears of gene warriors in an instant.

"This is my punishment for you." Leaves from the light looking at liuluo.

Dozens of gene warriors, you look at me, I look at you, immediately, all ran away, just because they know that if they continue to stay there, they will have only one end, that is, death.

As for Xia Zhu, her pupils contracted rapidly.


"Congratulations to the host on becoming the fifth level celestial selector."

The sound of the system suddenly appears in Ye Li's mind.

Ye Li's face is a bit ambiguous, thinking that it has become the fifth level of heaven's choice, it is no one.

Liu Luo also fainted at this time, a woman has become such a face, it is more difficult than death.

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face does not have the slightest fluctuation, he then walks away slowly.

Looking at Ye Li's emaciated back, Xia he pondered for a few seconds, then summoned up his courage and said to Ye Li:

"master, please wait a moment."

Ye Li Dun Lord's steps, he really did not know why Xiahe would call him.

"What's the matter?" he said slowly

"Master, I know you are the supreme existence. The last zombie attack was the first wave of west base city. Behind them, there are dark race manipulation. Please save west base city."

West base city is almost unstoppable when attacked by zombies, not to mention the attack of the dark race.

"Why, are there many zombies around you?" Leaves from the summer river light mouth.

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