The fifth order celestial selector?

At this time, absolutely no words can describe the shock in liuluo's heart.

The fifth order celestial selector is an existence that she can't look forward to all her life.

But she had to believe that, suddenly, Liu Luo was absolutely ridiculous. She was still in front of Ye Li and looked very superior.

Although the fifth level evolutors and the fifth level celestial selectors are all five levels, the difference in strength is one heaven and one underground, and there is no comparability.

For a moment, Liu Luo's look at Ye Li also began to change, from previous sarcasm and fear to incomparable dignity. At the same time, she also understood why her grandfather was so afraid of Ye Li.

"Why, is my state shocking you?" Leaves from the light looking at liuluo.

Liu Luo looks at Ye Li's face. What a beautiful face it is. It's a kind of oppressive feeling.

Liu Luo suddenly felt that leaves would shine!


Ye Li and Liu Luo walked out of the D area, and there was no movement in the last legion.

During this period, he kept seeing a large number of zombies heading for a certain place. He did not rush to synthesize these zombies, which is called pig raising tactics.

"Master, these zombies are supposed to attack west base city." Liu Luo said to Ye Li.

How can Ye Li not know that these zombies are going to attack the west base city.

"Zombies, let's go. Let's go. West base is going to be ours."

A burly dark race with a huge axe stands on a big stone and drinks.

This only reminds the burly dark race that the realm is not bad. The 10th level dark race is the troll dark race.

Liu Luo has never seen the troll dark race. Although the distance is tens of meters, the suffocating sense of oppression has passed, and the white face has turned pale.

"Do you believe that I'll give him a golden wind without moving cicada's premonition and plotting against impermanence

Ye Li suddenly said to Liu Luo.

Liu Luo a Zheng, she did not expect Ye Li will suddenly say such words.

"Master, I..."

Leaf from a smile, "you hesitated, that is do not believe me, Ye Li ah."

Liuluo is indeed some do not want to believe that, so far away, she does not believe that Ye Li can kill the 10th level Troll dark race.

If liuluo had known the strength of the fifth order elector, she would not have said such ridiculous words.


Suddenly, a supreme sword spirit burst out, and the space seemed to be cut through by this terrible sword Qi.

Now Ye Li's Taigu Longyuan sword body is the fifth layer, which can emit sword Qi at will.

The 10th order troll, the dark race, was chopped in half before he could react. He didn't know how he died.

"My God!"

Liu Luo covered her mouth. She felt that she was a complete fool. Why should she question Ye Li.

Leaf from a faint smile, face crown such as jade face calm like water, for him, this is simply a household dish.

"Master, the movement of zombies all over the country is going to the west base city."

The last legion all attentively told Ye Li what they knew.

Ye Li thinks that it is going to attack the base city.

"Let's go back." Ye Li said.

When Liu Luo heard this, he felt as if he had been reborn, and his white face was full of joy.

"Good master."

With that, Liu Luo walked back in the direction.

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